Saturday, September 25, 2010

Memphian Solve Dr. Martin L. King's Murder!

For the last few days I’ve listened to the Thaddeus Matthews Radio Talk Show, AM1180 WPLX, as he and his guest discuss the assassination of Dr. Martin L. King.  Like so many others, I’m troubled about what I’ve heard; asking what if it’s true that Dr. King’s confidants are directly responsible for his death.  A man living in Texas, under an assumed name, Ron (Bear) Tyler reveals that he, then 15 yrs old, took part in the conspiracy to murder Dr. King.  His revelations are appealing, sustained, and very detailed. 
Bear produced as evidence photographs of the burial site of the murder weapon, talks about the ways and means of over $500,000.00 circulated within Dr. King’s camp by F.B.I. agents, photographer on a water tower near Lorrain Motel as Dr. King is killed, how James Earl Ray became the fall guy, the role he, his brother, mother and father played, secret meeting between Mayor Loeb, FBI agents, and his father, and details about the cover-up. 
A new investigation, by Mr. Matthews and Mr. Dick Gregory, into Dr. King’s assassination, leads to a man whom Bear elude is the real assassin.  At the completion of this investigation, would we know the person that killed Dr. King and would Thaddeus Matthews, a Memphian, solve the murder of Dr. Martin L. King?

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