Sunday, September 26, 2010

Homosexuality, The Debate!

What is homosexuality, can anyone join in on the debate, or is this debate better served by religion.  Human beings have been struggling with sexuality long before Sodom and Gomorrah.  In fact, the Holy Qur’an speak of Sodom and Gomorrah, they had practice homosexuality long before the Angels visited Prophet Lot.  Sexuality is over the top, it has found its way into every aspect of life, from food to stars in heaven.  Many religious and secular experts fail to express a very important fact about sex and humans.  God condemns, in all true religious books, sexual intercourse by men on men and women on women.  It might be natural in some cases for like sexes to have an interest or curiosity toward the same.  However, homosexual sex acts or intercourse is a different manner.  There will always be an element between man and woman that cannot be interfered, reproduction.  Even as science helps human in their reproduction needs, synthetic and genetic approaches to reproduction between the same sexes.  All these things are physical but what about the mental and spiritual side of it all.  Words make people, words are ideas, and people make worlds out of words however, the physical body reproduces.  God made everything either male or female.  In our limited minds, as God made things today, what if there were only males and no females or females and no males; reproduction would be an issue.  Is homosexuality as to sexual acts and intercourse natural, no!  Are homosexual tenancies natural, yes! 
This debate is a non-debate in that, our lives are primarily on two levels secular and religious.  Secular life is governed by civil rights and politics.  Everyone has the same rights, regardless of one’s sexuality, under our original constitution and its amendments.   This is a fact and is not open for debate however, politicians creates a need and fill it.  Then, the confused public needs them to answer question about religious tenants and political rights.  This is the reason for the theory that our nation functions best under an idea that church power should be separate from political power.  Let the church answer religious questions about the soul and let politicians answer questions about government.  Politician would address civil rights under the constitution and religious leaders will answer questions about morals and spirituality under the Holy Bible, Holy Qur’an, Holy Torah, and holy books that we might not know of.    The higher authority as to human development is with the religious body but, sometimes, corruption finds its way into the House of God; corruption is always in the house of congress.
When leaders in the House of God become corrupted, it is the job and responsibility of its people to rise up like a flood of water and brings about a change for God.  Ultimately, power is in the hands of the (masses) people in both sectors religion and government.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Memphian Solve Dr. Martin L. King's Murder!

For the last few days I’ve listened to the Thaddeus Matthews Radio Talk Show, AM1180 WPLX, as he and his guest discuss the assassination of Dr. Martin L. King.  Like so many others, I’m troubled about what I’ve heard; asking what if it’s true that Dr. King’s confidants are directly responsible for his death.  A man living in Texas, under an assumed name, Ron (Bear) Tyler reveals that he, then 15 yrs old, took part in the conspiracy to murder Dr. King.  His revelations are appealing, sustained, and very detailed. 
Bear produced as evidence photographs of the burial site of the murder weapon, talks about the ways and means of over $500,000.00 circulated within Dr. King’s camp by F.B.I. agents, photographer on a water tower near Lorrain Motel as Dr. King is killed, how James Earl Ray became the fall guy, the role he, his brother, mother and father played, secret meeting between Mayor Loeb, FBI agents, and his father, and details about the cover-up. 
A new investigation, by Mr. Matthews and Mr. Dick Gregory, into Dr. King’s assassination, leads to a man whom Bear elude is the real assassin.  At the completion of this investigation, would we know the person that killed Dr. King and would Thaddeus Matthews, a Memphian, solve the murder of Dr. Martin L. King?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Leadership based on maritime laws and rule, the captain of the ship leads.  A good captain is educated, able to read charts, understands the nature of sea, weather, and heavens, understands his equipment and instruments,  able to read people of foreign lands, has the courage to establish and enforce the law, and first and foremost bring back to the home port riches found abroad.

Monday, September 20, 2010

New Information About The Plot To Kill Dr. King

Today, Sept. 20, 2010, Thaddeus Matthews, Dick Gregory, Ron (Bear) Tyler, and Atty. Mark Lane jointly revisited April 4, 1968 and beyond.  They shared information, more details, about the assassination of Dr. Martin L. King in Memphis, Tennessee 42 years ago.  In a tele-radio conference call, WPLX AM1180, they unfold information different from what history has dictated.  These four men altered what is believed to be true facts about the dead of Dr. King.  During their conversation, within the public domain, they suggested a meeting in Washington, D. C with members of Congress to further this change in history. 

For several days, Bear (witness) explained how Dr. King's murder plot unfolded and how black and white conspirators play active roles in his dead.  Bear talked about how money  changed hands from  the FBI to Jessie Jackson, Ralph Abernathy, Billy Kyles, and others.  He spoke of  the FBI's strategy, using informants, to have Dr. King moved from Rivermont Hotel to Loraine Motel, downtown, where the sniper would have an easy target.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

G'd Created Us Perfect?

In God’s creation, we witness all things organized but that is not the only sign of where we must focus our attention.  Yes, it does appear as if our creation is one of confusion again, we must focus our attention on what is right and forbid what is wrong. 
Politics is as much a part of our family life as it is national and universal.  Politics is a process that allows us to create rules and guidelines for peace and civil conduct.  Without these laws, we would have nothing but ruins and madness.
In our country, we think in turn of a separation between church and state, a very powerful concept that is proving to be a standard that most of the world cannot understand.  However, God gave to this nation leadership. 
As we are born into ignorance and apathy, our job after adulthood, by our vested power given by God, is to bring to the world peace, love, truth, and organization.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mayor of Turrell, Ark Resigns

Mayor Franklin Lockhart Sr. resigned, Monday, as Mayor of Turrell, Ark; a small city in Crittenden County.  City Council members who charged him with malfeasance besieged his administration.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ernest Withers, Job Well Done!

Today, a strong debate held on AM1180 WPLX, Thaddeus Matthews’s radio talk show, about the revelation that FBI informants infiltrated black organizations during 60’s and 70’s was resolved.  Mr. Ernest Withers thought to be a FBI informant is not an issue of concern within the African American community.  Mr. Withers (deceased) and his family will continue their role as anchors and leaders among African Americans.  Mr. Withers made tremendous contributions to African American culture.

Mr. Withers acts in no ways changed the outcome of the civil rights movement or contributed to the death of Dr. Martin L. King.  His enormous photo recording of black history is a credit to his integrity as well as a worthy cause that established ugly inhuman deeds done on African Americans by their white brothers of faith.  He did not enrich himself and died a poor man.  His relentless efforts to capture the essence of history help to shape American’s views of what happened during the civil rights movement.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Holy Qur'an a Wonderful Book!

In light of the controversy surrounding Al-Islam and the Holy Qur’an, it’s a good time to look at the book. Read and seek an understanding; al-Quran is a wonderful book I'm sure you would enjoy, click on the link below.

Al-Islam translated from Arabic into English means the natural way of life.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Maybe America has spoken; the Masjid (Muslim's house of worship) will be built near ground zero, Rev. Terry Jones and his followers won’t burn the Holy Qur’an in protest.

Too bad we can’t see around corners but I can image that it is not over. Hate eats at the heart of mankind however; it is also a curable disease.

One great thing about Americans we debate, publicly, all issues and matter of importance; we all have a say into things that affect our way of life then, we resolve and move on. The result, most of the time, is our decency prevails while the world looks on.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Prayer Is For Everyone!

I attend Eid Prayer (first day after Ramadan) at Memphis Cook Convention Center thousands of other from around the world was there. You must go to one of these prayers; never witness so many different nationalities in one place, it’s beautiful. Just think, fashions and traditional dresses from around the world, a rainbow of skin colors, and as many smiles.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Burning of Holy Qur'an, Senseless!

Rev. Terry Jones and his followers’ attitudes are no different from the thugs that terrorize of our neighborhoods. In addition, as Americans, trying to get a handle on our 21st century leadership role in the world, we must realize the devastating effect of devaluing other’s ways of life on any level. This level of ignorance clearly points to the disrespectful actions of others that have long driven our society into crime and violence.

This is not the first time that ignorance attacked religion fueled by hatred, ways of life, and social status by burning books, people, and property. Rev. Terry Jones has joined acts similar to infanticide, degradation of houses of worship, and terrorist attacks of all kinds, yet he claims the cloth of Jesus Christ (peace of God upon him).

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Arabs Failure in African American Communities

I agree with Thaddeus Matthews as he forges ahead a campaign to help African Americans focus on issues that affect our community life. I attend Bloomfield Baptist Church on Thursday of last week and witness the same spiritual movement as many others did. During the People Convention and the movements of the 60’s and 70’s this same Godly spirit presented itself. My primary concerns are not limited to politics, crime in our communities, or organization within the movement but, economics or trade and commerce.

Dignity of a people is defined by how well they take care of themselves as a people. No one individual can attain success as his whole people put down for lack of dignity. That’s why; I suggest that we as people first clean-up our communities of shady characters like store owners that do not share our values; at the same time research ways and means to replace them with people or business owners who will respect our values.

The first plan of action that we should enact within our movement, trade and commerce, is to address a permanent solution to disrespectful and ugly Arab, business owners within our communities. Many of them have disgusting attitudes towards African Americans, primarily women. They call themselves Muslims but their conduct is all but Muslim. They sell products and services that go strictly against their religion, Al-Islam; beer, wine, pork, cigarettes, dope and drugs, pornography, etcetera. They have no respect for black women as they approach our young girls for sex then call them whores behind their backs. The services that they offer within the African American communities are far less than those offered in other communities are. In all of these things, they claim the great religion, Al-Islam as their own and themselves as Muslims, how far for the truth; they are fair game.

We will target Arab business owners as an example of our powers to bring about complete reform, as we desire. It is true that other ethnic groups made it big as business owners within the African American communities but they did not present the attitudes that we are witnessing from Arabs today. We must discuss ways and means of addressing these issues in upcoming meetings planned by Thaddeus Matthews and Randy Wade. I’m more than qualified to speak on these issues.