Saturday, September 18, 2010

G'd Created Us Perfect?

In God’s creation, we witness all things organized but that is not the only sign of where we must focus our attention.  Yes, it does appear as if our creation is one of confusion again, we must focus our attention on what is right and forbid what is wrong. 
Politics is as much a part of our family life as it is national and universal.  Politics is a process that allows us to create rules and guidelines for peace and civil conduct.  Without these laws, we would have nothing but ruins and madness.
In our country, we think in turn of a separation between church and state, a very powerful concept that is proving to be a standard that most of the world cannot understand.  However, God gave to this nation leadership. 
As we are born into ignorance and apathy, our job after adulthood, by our vested power given by God, is to bring to the world peace, love, truth, and organization.

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