Saturday, April 30, 2011

Is Donald Trump a Socialist?

Donald Trump and his followers are out of touch with American values.  Children around the country would hear Donald Trump, potential candidate for President of United States; strew his audience with the F— word.  In fact his audience gave to him a standing ovation.  Trump’s language skills could be used to promote gangster hip-hop and rap music; kids would love that.  They know very well that ones use of profanity is as substitute or absence of knowledge.

Trump has no idea the tremendous power, honor, respect, and dignity of the America people.  He would insult China to bring about negotiations, insult the elected leaders of his own country; where he has enjoyed one of the greatest life styles in the world; his policies would shut the economic boarders of America by attacking an industry, oil industry, without any consideration for free enterprise and/or democracy.  To bring down the cost of any product would become a walk on a constitutional tight rope of rights, as well as, our concept of a free market place if government directly intervenes; which would be communism or if one prefers, “socialism”.

Trump and his Republican right-wing demagogues thinks that to insult and degrade American people, American leaders, and world leaders and their people would bring better international policies than what’s on the table now; how stupid can they be?

Those ideas are in fact the same as socialist’s; Trump and his followers are fighting for socialist values and President Obama is fighting for American values; which side would you choose; American or Socialist?

Trump’s Las Vegas speech to his supporters

Friday, April 22, 2011

Is it Too Late for African-Americans and Their Share?

I’m posing to you the most important questions that you have ever answered.  This question is a serious attempt to cause deep thinking.  Your answer would lay a foundation for more serious debate today and for years to come.  This question would also create a wave of other questions from people who would be trying to derail its results.  On the other hand, it would prepare those who are of our best thinkers to train their minds on the inevitable.

Since the days of America’s industrial revolution ethnic groups carved out their share of America’s economy.  Today, this carving is more prevalent than ever before.  Each American ethnic group is known by the industry they control.  These groups build great wealth, their offspring futures, and would fight a war to keep up their control. 

The source of every control is raw materials from agricultural to mining precious metal.  Italian-Americans dominate several industries like pizza, vegetables, and apparel; Korean-Americans industries include hair care products, auto manufacturing, oriental restaurants, and cheap technologies; Arab-Americans are establishing a strong presence in gas stations, neighborhood food retailing, and cell-phone retailing.  Indian-Americans dominate the hospitality industry, et cetera.  These are a small sample of this point of view however, many more groups claim, work, and protect their own industries.

After one has taken this list to its biter end one would come back tired from research and amazed at its end.  However, there will be no mention of African-Americans and industry in the same voice.  Today, we’ll change that.  Let’s all stand and say, “AFRICAN-AMERICAN INDUSTRY”. 

The question: Which industry would best match up to African-Americans to becoming self-sufficient, productive, and a full partner in the American way of life? 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My God; Where is Your Liberty for African-American Males?

Why do African-Americans put their children away in jails, thinking they’ll obey after they’ve served jail time?  Why do whites fight hard to keep their children free?  One child is no better than the next however, African-Americans simply give up on their children lives easier and whites see their children lives as their future.  Every people in the world know that to empower ‘your’ children is to empower ‘your’ future.

African-Americans hate their sons if they show any signs of rebellion: this is based on black parents’ ultra conservative views.  They have strong beliefs in words and ideas like bad, mannish, disrespectful, arrogant, attitude, mean, and don’t listen.   If their sons and boys have any one of the above behavior situations then, they’re in deep trouble with their parents and likely would lose their lives to crime and violence or even worst; lose the love of their parents.

This insane parental behavior is why over a million men are in prisons and jails across America and why black boys and men are together the poorest group of men and on this so-called urban  “endangered species” list.  Whites love this opportunity to project themselves as the best to administer punishment on African-Americans as a way to warn their sons and boys and at the same time support African-Americans’ ultra conservative views.

African-Americans truly believe that when one of their sons break the law a maximum punishment would fix the crime.  In addition, they believe the punishment must be administered by whites.  The reason behind this corrupt idea is black parents feel embarrassed by their acts of violence and the only way, for the parent, to “save face” is severe punishment.  The only people on the planet that thinks like this is America blacks.

African-Americans would never defend their sons like that of whites who defends their sons regardless of the wrong they have done.  If laws were on the book specifically to jail white parents’ sons they would come together to change those laws and set their sons free. 

All Americans should be concern about the growing population of inmates living day and day out in prisons throughout America.  More particularly, African-Americans must come to the forefront of this growing issue.  There is something strange about jailing men for any small crime as punishment; and, something ugly about the very idea.  Will there be a day, in American, where African-American men would truly find liberty?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Facebook: A Political Gateway

We’re living in a time when not one person can compliant about a lack of communication; a time of massive communication opportunities unlike any other time before us.  We can tweet, blog, email, text, phone, chat, and webbot.  Everyone in the world is trying to capture this enormous chance to get in and stay in touch with as many people as possible.  Social network blogs like Facebook has moved to the front of the class primarily because of a void that left people out of each other’s life.  These blogs connected us in ways never thought of before. 

The Democratic Party and President Obama use these opportunities in the most efficient and effective ways ever.  What’s really surprising is: local politicians are hiding behind the curve.  They would use Facebook to invite their friends to social parties, give a ways, and small talk than to present their political views and give them an opportunity to peep into their vision for the future.  Perhaps they’re afraid that their constituents might get a chance to see how illiterate they are.  But, on the other hand; they might be elected officials with no idea how they won the position.  In other words, they won a political office with no policy change or politics.  These so-called politicians know that if they send a post they would receive instant gratification or instant chastising.  So, what do they do?  They sat on their hands, literally.

Most of these people are playing the ends against the middle and aren’t sincere about their office.   In stark contrast, Tea Party members make their position known on every issue.  They would let anyone know, face to face, about the future they want for America.  Unlike local Democratic Party politicians who appear to be afraid and are refusing to speak-out about their vision for America’s future.  Let’s not forget that all national politics is local; a matter of following your tax dollars.

Friday, April 15, 2011

GOP’s Death Plan for Seniors

Under the GOP budget cut plan for Medicare, seniors must accept and prepare for death. Republicans’ plan is in fact a dead trap for seniors. Americans seniors have worked hard for their entire lives, lead productive and stable lives, paid their taxes, and did the right things for their retirement. Now, Republicans want to setup them up to fail, at the end of their lives, with poor health care services and make way for an undignified dead.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Philosopher, Dr. Cornell West, Rejected in Groundless Attacks on President Obama’s Record

I don’t agree with about 90% of Dr. West’s comments.  I suppose that he is highly upset at the President for reasons that might be unspoken and could be personal.  Back in 1994, Charles Boone, Wali Shaheed, Deke Pope and I traveled to Baltimore, Maryland together.  On the way there, we undertook a very interesting subject of discussion.  We talked about the first black President of America.  The discussion went on for hours as we touched on very serious issues like what would black leaders think, would they support the  President, would they come out against the President, and would envy and jealousy cause distractions as we institutionalize the first black President?  

Dr. West reminds me of that conversation years ago.  Yes, he is a philosopher and an activist but, he’s off base with the President, as he admitted.  He doesn’t possess a cool head and is of working an agenda.  In our conversation to Baltimore I asked what would Colin Powell, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and many other so-called black leaders do on this day.  The overwhelming answer was they would coƶperate; I disagreed.  Of course, we never thought for a moment that we would have a black President in our life time.

My disagreement is multi-facet; Dr. West hasn’t held political office, he wouldn’t know the first thing about real politics and definitely the Office of President, President Obama is his own man and will never become these guys silver bullet into the white man’s world, He isn’t a socialist, and in two years this man is asking that the President should’ve overhauled America’s policies on every level: senseless. 

Furthermore, the President did create jobs for the poor and working class, help middle class family who are losing their homes, helped corporate America stay afloat whiling saving and creating hundreds of thousands jobs, fought, while risking his own political future, as President to give health care to hundreds of thousands of Americans without health care insurance and to revolutionize how health services are delivered.

Dr. West covered the President like a carpet about things that he alleged the President hadn’t done but, I’m sure he remembers that President Kennedy, black folk’s hero, stated, “Ask not what your country can do for you but, ask what you can do for your country.”   Dr. West knows what that means. 

In addition, Dr. West’s attacks are groundless neither of his points are supported by facts.  His rambling attests to one fact; he has no political or social base to stand on.  His arguments are merely conjectures, imaginary, and without historic support. 

The President didn’t lie when he told the world that, ‘only in America his story is made possible’.  Dr. West relied on a story of someone who has a 5th grade education become President of a country.  What hypocrisy, Dr. West knows that President Obama’s election to Office was by divine intervention.  Every black man and woman in America, except Dr. West and a few more black leaders, know it’s the truth.

Monday, April 11, 2011

What' Liberation? And, is it in Fact, Real?

Whenever men and women speak of themselves as free I raise an eyebrow wondering do they really know what they’re talking about.  In most cases they don’t.  Just suppose that everything you’ve been taught about freedom is wrong.  And, suppose that slavery is alive and well.  What would you do?  Would you change your life style and help to liberate yourself and others?
For thousands of years inspired men and women have tried to liberated people around the world, many of them failed in their effort.  Those who were successful left behind a great people of all nationalities.  These were and are people who raised great civilizations, build monumental structures attesting to their greatness, and they had a love for education without comparison as to those who elected slavery over freedom.  To free a man or woman isn’t in body only.  An insincere liberator would be one who does just that.  To put it another way, he or she isn’t a liberator at all but, an enslaver with a different twist.   
Image, African Americans were physically librated after hundreds of years of enslavement but, never received any kind of reform.  Their freedom is to simply move about the land under the law of land.  These people were never given a lesson or instruction on what freedom means, the conduct of free people, or how free people are live together.  They simply took away from plantations hundreds of years of false knowledge, incorrect meanings of life, and gut feeling wisdom of slave life, combined with slammed religious beliefs, fears, myths and fairytales of all kinds.  These people are hated to the highest degree of hatred but, for a lack of knowledge, believe they are loved. 
Today, in America, we have a continuation of the above facts.  Over thirty million African American people haven’t the same chance at life that six billion people enjoy around the world every day.  They have free bodies but, still today, can’t do for themselves and are totally dependent on aid from government assistance in every aspect of their lives.  These are thirty million people with no trade and commerce among themselves.  They’re 100% consumers of everything and manufacture nothing. 
There’re those who teach that liberation is education, how far from the truth.  Education for African Americans is all about the enslavers’ ways, means, and methods of his power, including layers and layers of more false beliefs as pertained to African Americans’ existence in American and the world.  They are taught hundreds of subjects matter and none of them are directed to what actually happened to African Americans in America.
Liberation of the mind is the truest and purest form of freedom.  Every document that expresses freedom is directly informing the reader about freedom of mind.  Yet, African Americans weren’t and aren’t taught the fundamental and basic elements of liberation.  Why, because there’s a price associated with liberation of the human mind.  The cost of liberating the African American male, in his home and society, is extremely expensive.  However, let’s not forget there’re many stories and parables in scripture that addresses people who were in similar situations as that of African Americans.  Almighty God made a way for them and He’ll make a way for African Americans too.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

President Obama can’t go wrong with Booker T. Washington High School

This isn’t the first time that a President visited this South Memphis community.  President Bill Clinton visited Flower Homes and Church of God in Christ Annual Convention November 13, 1993; a neighborhood directly associated with BTW.  Dr. Martin L. King gave his last, ‘Mountain Top’ speech at Mason Temple another landmark associated with Flower Homes and BTW. 

The first African-American elected Mayor of Memphis (as President Barack Obama is the first African-American elected as President of America) is a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School.  BTW is known around country for winning championships in almost every category of sport.  BTW leadership has thoroughly saturated every fabric of Memphis culture. Students that made up a huge part of followers during Dr. King journey in Memphis were primarily from BTW who had easier access to marches, rallies, and participated in most of his audiences.

Music greats like Booker T. Jones of Booker T. and the MGs attended Booker T. Washington High School, the alma mater of Rufus Thomas and shared the hallowed halls with future stars like Isaac Hayes‘s writing partner David Porter; saxophonist Andrew Love of The Memphis Horns; soul singer/songwriter William Bell and Earth, Wind, and Fire‘s Maurice White.

President Barack Obama would make a tactical and history mistake if he doesn’t select Booker T. Washington High School.  However, mistakes are forgiven!