Friday, March 11, 2011

The Citizens of Memphis Civil Rights in Court Again?

It’s super clear that the Republican Party is behind Sen. Mark Norris R-Collierville as he continues to push his ugly politics down the throats of Memphis and Shelby County school unification. The citizens of Memphis overwhelmingly voted t...o do away with the two school systems, Memphis City Council voted to do the same, and the Memphis City School Board of Commissioners lead the charge. But, still, the almighty Republican Party and Sen. Mark Norris R-Collierville will not accept that our community be one community. They’re fixed on the idea that a minority group should have its way regardless of the will of the majority. Their attitude is the same as the thugs in the street as far as their disregard for our civil process. How can intelligent people of our community, regardless of the political affiliation, accept this kind of behavior?
In addition, Republicans and Sen. Mark Norris both are close to violating the citizens of Memphis civil rights.
As in civil rights battles, all options are on the table, new ones must be discovered, and nothing is taken for granted.  This battle might very well become the most expensive of any undertaken in our history.  The battle field is the courts and it’s time for civil rights attorneys’ involvement.

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