Sunday, September 26, 2010

Homosexuality, The Debate!

What is homosexuality, can anyone join in on the debate, or is this debate better served by religion.  Human beings have been struggling with sexuality long before Sodom and Gomorrah.  In fact, the Holy Qur’an speak of Sodom and Gomorrah, they had practice homosexuality long before the Angels visited Prophet Lot.  Sexuality is over the top, it has found its way into every aspect of life, from food to stars in heaven.  Many religious and secular experts fail to express a very important fact about sex and humans.  God condemns, in all true religious books, sexual intercourse by men on men and women on women.  It might be natural in some cases for like sexes to have an interest or curiosity toward the same.  However, homosexual sex acts or intercourse is a different manner.  There will always be an element between man and woman that cannot be interfered, reproduction.  Even as science helps human in their reproduction needs, synthetic and genetic approaches to reproduction between the same sexes.  All these things are physical but what about the mental and spiritual side of it all.  Words make people, words are ideas, and people make worlds out of words however, the physical body reproduces.  God made everything either male or female.  In our limited minds, as God made things today, what if there were only males and no females or females and no males; reproduction would be an issue.  Is homosexuality as to sexual acts and intercourse natural, no!  Are homosexual tenancies natural, yes! 
This debate is a non-debate in that, our lives are primarily on two levels secular and religious.  Secular life is governed by civil rights and politics.  Everyone has the same rights, regardless of one’s sexuality, under our original constitution and its amendments.   This is a fact and is not open for debate however, politicians creates a need and fill it.  Then, the confused public needs them to answer question about religious tenants and political rights.  This is the reason for the theory that our nation functions best under an idea that church power should be separate from political power.  Let the church answer religious questions about the soul and let politicians answer questions about government.  Politician would address civil rights under the constitution and religious leaders will answer questions about morals and spirituality under the Holy Bible, Holy Qur’an, Holy Torah, and holy books that we might not know of.    The higher authority as to human development is with the religious body but, sometimes, corruption finds its way into the House of God; corruption is always in the house of congress.
When leaders in the House of God become corrupted, it is the job and responsibility of its people to rise up like a flood of water and brings about a change for God.  Ultimately, power is in the hands of the (masses) people in both sectors religion and government.

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