Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ernest Withers, Job Well Done!

Today, a strong debate held on AM1180 WPLX, Thaddeus Matthews’s radio talk show, about the revelation that FBI informants infiltrated black organizations during 60’s and 70’s was resolved.  Mr. Ernest Withers thought to be a FBI informant is not an issue of concern within the African American community.  Mr. Withers (deceased) and his family will continue their role as anchors and leaders among African Americans.  Mr. Withers made tremendous contributions to African American culture.

Mr. Withers acts in no ways changed the outcome of the civil rights movement or contributed to the death of Dr. Martin L. King.  His enormous photo recording of black history is a credit to his integrity as well as a worthy cause that established ugly inhuman deeds done on African Americans by their white brothers of faith.  He did not enrich himself and died a poor man.  His relentless efforts to capture the essence of history help to shape American’s views of what happened during the civil rights movement.


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