Thursday, August 01, 2013

Calls for united response to death of Trayvon Martin and acquittal of George Zimmerman feed push for Florida boycott

Here we go again; black talking heads getting in the way of the grassroots' effort to change their own condition.  We decided to boycott Florida and her orange juice industry; now the talking heads; with their super education; come along with their "five- pointed star" argument of why a boycott won't work.  If it was up to them; they would go home; lock their doors; and stay in until it's safe to come out.  Further; their language is always divisive and belittling.  The fact is: there are blacks who would forever join the other side of any boycott; thereby muddy the waters of progress.  As they're intellectualizing our future; we are doing what's best; at this time; for all Americans.  The Boycott Florida Movement is a laser concentrated effort; we've targeted exactly the state and her orange industry; our demand is for the Governor and Legislators to repeal SYG; we don't care if it takes a year or fifty years; the call is made and the action is in motion.  It's up to the state's business community; not politicians; to determine if they're willing to lose money because of a stupid law; usually not.

Calls for united response to death of Trayvon Martin and acquittal of George Zimmerman feed push for Florida boycott

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