Friday, September 13, 2013

Masjid Mohammed wa Cisse: Proposed & Promoted!

Al-Islam is quickly becoming a mainstream religion; many are accepting it as a common way to express their ideas that transcend religious customs and ways and reach into their moral makeup and social concepts.  There’s no better place to witness this growth than Memphis, TN; there are several Muslim Masajid (Masjid’s) in Memphis and they seem to be divided by ethnicity.  At least two are of African interest; at least five are middle eastern and eastern origin; and two are about African-

Masjid Mohammed & Cisse Background

Americans.  These numbers directly show the thousands of Muslims (those who practice the religion Al-Islam) that have made Memphis their home.   As the Muslim population grows; a need for more Masajid would be necessary and it’s the duty of Muslims to make that possible.  In addition; African-American Muslims believe;  African-Americans would find a better quality of life if Al-Islam is a part their lives; meaning; a  masjid in every African-American community.  Primarily; because of the suffering that’s happening in their communities: crime and violence; homelessness; joblessness; hopelessness; poor health; and near zero business opportunities.
The Historic Clayborn Temple
The Historic Clayborn Temple: Proposed Site of Masjid Mohammed wa Cisse
Imam W. D. Mohammed and Shaykh Hassan Cisse worked a lifetime addressing these issues; in fact; gave their lives to bring better lives to others.  That’s why this proposal; to build a new Masjid in commemoration for their services is so important.   Masjid Mohammed wa Cisse has been on the drawing board for near ten years; but during those years; a comprehensive promotion wasn’t in place along with other (diversions) interests that delayed and has hurt the effort;   nevertheless; it’s better late than never.  Imam Mohammed position on Masajid is they must be multi-purpose: religious; social; and business.  Understanding this; the new push for this masjid would include the principles that are established in the Joint Resolution (in the video presentation).
Imam W. D. Mohammed and Shaykh Hassan Cisse (r)
(r) Imam W. D. Mohammed (ra) and Shaykh Hassan Cisse (ra)
Imam W.D. Mohammed and Shaykh Hassan Cisse met in Chicago, IL, May, 24, 2004; they agreed to undertake certain issues that would join African and American Muslims in a spirit of brotherhood that would include trade and commerce; education, and health. This presentation is an effort (insha’Allah) to commemorate their meeting by establishing Masjid Mohammed wa Cisse in Memphis, TN. Your interest and SADAQAH (donation) are very important to this effort and to the Ummah.
Al-Islam in America is a fascinating and beautiful thought; but what would it be if Muslims didn’t uphold the fundamental belief that’s it our duty to build Masajid throughout the land?  We must take an active role to insure that the Ummah have room to grow.  Whenever Muslims undertake a task he or she seeks to prefect it; that’s why when a Masjid is rising within any community or the general Ummah it’s the Muslims duty to make others aware.  Each contribution even if it’s a dollar or other services is for the sake of Allah (swt).
The goal of “Project Masjid Mohammed wa Cisse” is to build a Masjid to offer spiritual, religious, educational, social, cultural and similar activities to the Muslim community and others of Memphis, TN and its vicinity. 
Virtues of Building a Masjid
  • “The example of those who spend their property in the way of Allah is as that of a grain growing seven ears (with) a hundred grains in every ear; and Allah multiplies for whom He pleases; and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.” (Quran 2:261)
  • “The Masajid’s of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and practice regular charity, and fear none (at all) except Allah. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance.” (Quran 9:18)
  • Rasulullah (Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam) said, ‘Whosoever builds a house (Masjid) for the pleasure of Allah, whether it be small or large, Allah builds for him a house in paradise.’(at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibban, Abu Dawud, and Ahmad)
  • Uthman (RA) said, I heard the Rasulullah (Sallellahu Alihe Wassalam) said: “Whoever builds a Masjid, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in Paradise.”(Bukhari: Vol 8, Chapter 65)
This is a new Masjid building project. Donate for Masjid (Mosque) building project to earn Sadqa-e-Jariyah (perceptual charity) that continues to earn your reward even after death. But, donations for Masjid building project should be from Halal sources. Please consult with reliable Scholars (Ulima) in this regard. 
Insha’Allah, starting in 2014, donations of materials, supplies, and labor would be accepted; please fill out the form below with details about your contributions.

Click this link to download and view a PowerPoint presentation: 

Masjid Mohammed wa Cisse Memphis Final Presentation

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Calls for united response to death of Trayvon Martin and acquittal of George Zimmerman feed push for Florida boycott

Here we go again; black talking heads getting in the way of the grassroots' effort to change their own condition.  We decided to boycott Florida and her orange juice industry; now the talking heads; with their super education; come along with their "five- pointed star" argument of why a boycott won't work.  If it was up to them; they would go home; lock their doors; and stay in until it's safe to come out.  Further; their language is always divisive and belittling.  The fact is: there are blacks who would forever join the other side of any boycott; thereby muddy the waters of progress.  As they're intellectualizing our future; we are doing what's best; at this time; for all Americans.  The Boycott Florida Movement is a laser concentrated effort; we've targeted exactly the state and her orange industry; our demand is for the Governor and Legislators to repeal SYG; we don't care if it takes a year or fifty years; the call is made and the action is in motion.  It's up to the state's business community; not politicians; to determine if they're willing to lose money because of a stupid law; usually not.

Calls for united response to death of Trayvon Martin and acquittal of George Zimmerman feed push for Florida boycott

Thursday, March 28, 2013

KKK specter may already have ‘helped’ Memphis

For the like of me, I can’t envision black Americans’ past and deceased leaders, hundreds of years in the making, lining up behind the KKK.

KKK specter may already have ‘helped’ Memphis

Monday, January 14, 2013

Noam Chomsky Slams America's Selfish Ayn Randian Elites | Alternet

Noam Chomsky Slams America's Selfish Ayn Randian Elites | Alternet

If you aren’t thinking in this way it’s already too late for you; you’ve accepted your condition as a slave of the 1%ers; but for the rest of us; we’ll continue to work for you and our complete liberation.  

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Hitler gun control lie

The Hitler gun control lie

This article is deceptive:; it purports to be a balanced review of history; but fail to achieve its goal.  To claim the Hitler would’ve defeated the Jewish people; if they had their firearms; is as wrong as to claim the opposite. If the Jewish people had gun rights it’s also clear they would’ve had other fundamental rights as well; which means they could’ve conducted operations in war as any other free people.  To suggest that our American Constitution has caused more harm than good is wrong; in addition; to suggest that our founding fathers were paranoid to think that we should be weary of our enemies from “within and outside of America” is offensive.  The fundamental right to bear arms is a defensive right and is a declaration of war against our enemies who have picked up arms against the American Constitution (the people). 

It’s time out to continue listening to people who’re making their arguments based on party lines especially when debating Constitutional matters: matters about gun rights; human rights; and fundamental rights.  The U.S.A. Constitution belongs to each and every American regardless of their political party affiliation.  My idea about battles to change the innocence of the Constitution is: what if you’re wrong?  What if the unthinkable happens; our military is taken down; and the people are laid out bare without (arms) protection?  The right to bear arms isn’t about owning a firearm or some other kind of arsenal; but it’s all about a mentality that’s about defense. 

I subscribe; the founding fathers didn’t reflect on the kinds of arms; but left that matter to the people.  They were intelligent men and women who knew the differences; had far reaching vision about our country’s future; knew exactly who our enemies are (nations and societies); knew when; where; and how they would attack the Constitution.