Saturday, September 03, 2011

Mark Coleman: In a Dog Fight for Super District 8-1

Mark Coleman says that he would make a better leader than Councilman Joe Brown; is that even possible? Councilman Brown has been around since the beginning of time. He has survived controversies, challengers to his political dynasty, and several administrations. During this cycle of elections he isn’t giving Mr. Coleman any attention at all. This long-term entrenched leader doesn’t view Mr. Coleman as a threat but, perhaps, a nuisance: that’s the prevailing attitude of someone who has been in political office for as long as Councilman Brown. Old bulls fight to stay king of the pasture for one day at a time; after all, there’s still something there to fight for. For those who are looking on; they secretly pray the old bull is whip by the young and moves on.
There’s one serious problem with Memphis politics especially among black elected official; they hate challenges nevertheless, challengers bring new ideas, vision, and want to make things better. Those elements are keys for the survivability of any community. Those who are wise know that a time comes when one must move over so the future can move in. Old bulls don’t fight young bulls to the death like old black political leaders do. It’s really easy to show some respect.
Mark Coleman if a fine man; he has served this community well. Mr. Coleman volunteered and worked in many candidate’s campaigns over the years, a staunch democrat, he has a long history of activism, intelligent, knows his way around Memphis politics, and his low-keyed mild mannerism would fit well in Memphis’ future leadership caucus. Mr. Coleman, a family man, holds close to his religious convictions and understands how to keep Memphis growing. He worked his way up through employment in several different political administrations; invaluable experiences that surely would add volumes to his understanding of how our city operates.
Mark Coleman isn’t a new kid on block or to politics; his father, Mr. John Coleman (deceased) was a long time labor leader at Ford Motor Co. and political activist also, he support many of our political leaders many of whom are in office today. John and Mark operated their business on the corner of S. Parkway & Florida Street for years; in that, he knows how to make payroll, budget, and create jobs.
If the people decide; Mark Coleman, Councilman, Super District 8-1.

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