Fred Jones, creator of Southern Heritage Classic |
As far as the eye could see people lined both side of the street, in a day
festivity, to enjoy Southern Heritage Classic Parade. They cheered, waved, and
smiled as each exhibited slowly passed. What’s interesting among other things
is where it takes place: Surprisingly, the parade is displayed along Park Ave,
Orange Mound, nationally known as the first organized African-American community
in Memphis. SHC parade draws thousands of spectators back into this famous
community thereby; opening up vast opportunities to spur economic growth by
reminding Memphians of a great commercial past that once, and can again, thrived
in Orange Mound.
One could only be impressed by observing such a large number small children,
their eyes sparkling, waiting for a change to pick up candies as they watch
other children march and dance along the parade route. Teens watching
attentively enjoying each procession; by the way, as thousands waited and
watched there were zero disruptions by any acts of senseless behavior; the
people conducted themselves honorably.
Right along with the spectators, in the crowd, was Mr. Fred Jones, promoter
and organizer of this renowned event. Fred Jones, Mr. Impressive, a role modern
by any definition; expressed his views, openly, about the future of Southern
Heritage Classic events. When asked if he envisioned, when first dreamed the
idea, the level of success that he was witnessing this day? He simply stated
that, “I’m a promoter; every promoter believes their idea would be the biggest
and best.” But, what’s really interesting is: Mr. Jones expressed a will and
wish to see SHC become a national event. When asked a racial question Mr. Jones
quickly refuted by stating, “We must focus on the people who are here today
enjoying themselves; not those who aren’t.” Along the parade route there were
people of all ages, nationalities, races, and colors. Mr. Jones’ wisdom and
vision earned him as Mr. Impressive, a down to earth man with a vision of
something even greater in Memphis.
If one is impressed by the parade then, the football activities would blow
your mind. The Southern Heritage Classic football game and its surrounding
atmosphere are profound. Again, thousands of participants taking part in
tailgating, vending, and family outings is greater than or match events like
Memphis in May, Blues Festival, etc. In fact, there might not be any
comparing. This event is so important that both Shelby County and the City of
Memphis Mayors take an active role this day of activities. In addition, no
politician is left; they all make their way to this classic football game.
TSU went down; JSU pulled it off, 35-29, but TSU won on other levels. They
took JSU out with the Sophisticated Ladies, these beautiful women drew, what
could’ve been, every photographer present, the battle of bands, and TSU kick off
a victorious wave; it took three rounds, at the exact end of it, JSU scored; TSU
didn’t try again. Who cares, with thousands of spectators and a stadium ¾ full;
these games are necessary.
There is an economic impact that we all enjoy and benefit; from an immediate
financial return to taxes into our city treasury. The public relations and
human impact is immeasurable. Memphians must continue to come together so that
events like this are felt well into the future. We must seek ways to include
them into our overall economic plan. These events bring into our community
fresh “outside” dollars; they fill our hotels, restaurants, night life, and they
create event jobs. Mr. Jones has a plan to make this Southern Heritage Classic
a national event, right here in our city. Each Memphian must accept this
challenge as their challenge and do whatever is necessary to grow his dream into
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photo to enjoy more photos of SHC football game & parade”