Sunday, February 13, 2011

Segregated School Systems on the Rise

Challenge all comers until greatness, ‘Dare to be great’; to many this phrase has no meaning what so ever.  To those whose eye is on the prize this phrase means everything.  As we enter into the early periods of this 21st century, our greatest American challenge is to keeping our school systems free from bias intent.  Are we the ones to carry the banner of freedom again or will we set on the sideline this time?  Are you aware, the segregation movement is on the rise again? 

Consider, would there have been a civil rights movement without you?  If we hadn’t stood up, what would you suppose America would be like today?   Our freedoms, that all Americans enjoy has a price on it that’s paid in blood and treasure.  All Americans including decent Republicans should be outraged at how Sen. Mark Norris R-Collierville and the State of Tennessee rammed this legislation, without any compromise, link below, down the throats of citizens of the Western Grand Division of Tennessee, mindless.,
Someone has to pull Sen. Norris back in from this ugly, segregation, approach to education. 

Segregation is on the rise in America and it appears as if Sen. Mark Norris R-Collierville is aware of strategies from other sources to make Shelby County a segregated school system.   Go to the links below read about the modern schools segregation movement.

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