Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Herman Cain's "999" Economic Plan: the Price of a Medium Pizza?
Besides being a joker or having an overblown sense of humor; Mr. Cain is a
serious marketing mogul; he fully understands the American consumer. Consumers
come face to face with numbers daily in making purchases of all kinds of
products. In most cases, one can almost guessed the price of an item without
knowing the exact cost of it. Why is this true? Consumers are full of numbers
and value. An executive on top of their marketing game knows this to be the
truth. The questions are: how to convert this secret knowledge into political
capital; to produce, package, and market a political idea to the American people
without them knowing that it’s just another marketing game?
Let’s be honest about a few things before continuing with the subject. The above statements are easily understood and can be accepted as fact. However, if today is a period of serious examination of political views, value, and ideas then, all politicians must face scrutiny of the watchful eye. Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley must go after another first African-American leader, Mr. Herman Cain. He is the first to achieve a very high place, as the frontrunner, in his campaign for President of United States of American, on the Tea Party’s GOP side of the political spectrum. However, there hasn’t been a word spoken by these two savvy political commentators about Mr. Cain’s game.
Nevertheless, Mr. Cain’s gimmick is wrong and dishonest; he’s running a campaign using a simple product marketing technique. His 999 economic formulas are an airbag. He has taken numbers that are well accepted by consumers and put his political twist to them as a formula that would turn the economy around. Americans want more than a dress-up package priced at $9.99 with only air in it.
Let’s be honest about a few things before continuing with the subject. The above statements are easily understood and can be accepted as fact. However, if today is a period of serious examination of political views, value, and ideas then, all politicians must face scrutiny of the watchful eye. Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley must go after another first African-American leader, Mr. Herman Cain. He is the first to achieve a very high place, as the frontrunner, in his campaign for President of United States of American, on the Tea Party’s GOP side of the political spectrum. However, there hasn’t been a word spoken by these two savvy political commentators about Mr. Cain’s game.
Most consumer product pricing avoid an exact price
formula; like $5.00, $7.00, or $10.00. They more than likely would price at
$4.99, $6.95, or $9.95. What the average price of a medium pizza? The average price of a medium pizza is
$10.00 however, if one make a purchase of this medium pizza the
adjusted based price would be guessed what: Nine Dollars and Ninety Nine Cents
($9.99) or somewhere there about. Is it possible that Mr. Herman
Cain has converted his knowledge about consumer marketing strategies
into a success political strategy? Yes, also, it points to the genius in Mr.
Cain. Let’s make one thing clear: on the day of commemoration to Dr. Martin L.
King’s memorial both party leaders are black. Mr. Cain is the defacto leader of
the Tea Party’s GOP. It would be a great day in America if both men President
Obama and Mr. Cain are put up by the America people to run for President of
Nevertheless, Mr. Cain’s gimmick is wrong and dishonest; he’s running a campaign using a simple product marketing technique. His 999 economic formulas are an airbag. He has taken numbers that are well accepted by consumers and put his political twist to them as a formula that would turn the economy around. Americans want more than a dress-up package priced at $9.99 with only air in it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ancient Bias Language: Blacks “Don’t Know; Whites Know”
One of the greatest of all ugliness is to continuously label the first
African-American President of America as a “Don't know” President. The Tea
Party Grand old Party (TPGOP) is using a dangerous and ugly strategy that hurt
Americans to the core. Nevertheless, African-Americans accept the fact that
President Obama is one of the most intelligent men of world leadership; and, as
the most powerful leaders in the world he deserves respect. The TPGOP is
determined to deny African-Americans and majority of Americans this wonderful
would the TPGOP take this position? It works! Since the days of Jim Crow
laws in the south and before, African-Americans have lived with these and
other ugly labels, that’s hundreds of years of degrading, derogatory language,
and concepts that’s geared to hurt and breakdown their self-respect, pride, and
On most job sites and corporate offices across America; African-Americans would always find themselves trapped in the “Know Syndrome” like: I know; you don’t know; how do you know; what make you think that you know; etc. Regardless of their tries, it’s never enough; one still doesn’t know. Even if one invents a new way or product; one isn’t credit with the invention. African-Americans have lived with this sick syndrome for generations; it’s not a figure of one’s imagination; it’s real.
If one would reflect, with his or her own eyes and ears would see and hear The TPGOP’s modern attack against African-Americans, using the “Know Syndrome” tactics. Perhaps, the TPGOP knows that a large sector of America still is affected by this label that has had great success in deterring African-Americans. At least, cause them and others to second guess President Obama’s decisions or look deeply into his mind; if the President was another color this “know syndrome tactic” wouldn’t apply.
Is this attack against African-Americans a subtle invasion into the hearts and minds of a political exploited people? Yes! Are there other Americans exploited this way too? Yes! What hurts is: TPGOP, by the fact they’re employers and business owners in power, know their attacks should bring down America’s first African-American President; by creating social pains, African-Americans and other poor Americans would long question their decision to hire an African-American as President of the most powerful nation on earth. The TPGOP is rushing towards the edge of America’s most racist ideas and policies; open and notorious reshaping America into a “flat” world.
On most job sites and corporate offices across America; African-Americans would always find themselves trapped in the “Know Syndrome” like: I know; you don’t know; how do you know; what make you think that you know; etc. Regardless of their tries, it’s never enough; one still doesn’t know. Even if one invents a new way or product; one isn’t credit with the invention. African-Americans have lived with this sick syndrome for generations; it’s not a figure of one’s imagination; it’s real.
If one would reflect, with his or her own eyes and ears would see and hear The TPGOP’s modern attack against African-Americans, using the “Know Syndrome” tactics. Perhaps, the TPGOP knows that a large sector of America still is affected by this label that has had great success in deterring African-Americans. At least, cause them and others to second guess President Obama’s decisions or look deeply into his mind; if the President was another color this “know syndrome tactic” wouldn’t apply.
Is this attack against African-Americans a subtle invasion into the hearts and minds of a political exploited people? Yes! Are there other Americans exploited this way too? Yes! What hurts is: TPGOP, by the fact they’re employers and business owners in power, know their attacks should bring down America’s first African-American President; by creating social pains, African-Americans and other poor Americans would long question their decision to hire an African-American as President of the most powerful nation on earth. The TPGOP is rushing towards the edge of America’s most racist ideas and policies; open and notorious reshaping America into a “flat” world.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Southern Heritage Classic: What's in it for Memphis?
![]() |
Fred Jones, creator of Southern Heritage Classic |
One could only be impressed by observing such a large number small children, their eyes sparkling, waiting for a change to pick up candies as they watch other children march and dance along the parade route. Teens watching attentively enjoying each procession; by the way, as thousands waited and watched there were zero disruptions by any acts of senseless behavior; the people conducted themselves honorably.
Right along with the spectators, in the crowd, was Mr. Fred Jones, promoter and organizer of this renowned event. Fred Jones, Mr. Impressive, a role modern by any definition; expressed his views, openly, about the future of Southern Heritage Classic events. When asked if he envisioned, when first dreamed the idea, the level of success that he was witnessing this day? He simply stated that, “I’m a promoter; every promoter believes their idea would be the biggest and best.” But, what’s really interesting is: Mr. Jones expressed a will and wish to see SHC become a national event. When asked a racial question Mr. Jones quickly refuted by stating, “We must focus on the people who are here today enjoying themselves; not those who aren’t.” Along the parade route there were people of all ages, nationalities, races, and colors. Mr. Jones’ wisdom and vision earned him as Mr. Impressive, a down to earth man with a vision of something even greater in Memphis.
If one is impressed by the parade then, the football activities would blow your mind. The Southern Heritage Classic football game and its surrounding atmosphere are profound. Again, thousands of participants taking part in tailgating, vending, and family outings is greater than or match events like Memphis in May, Blues Festival, etc. In fact, there might not be any comparing. This event is so important that both Shelby County and the City of Memphis Mayors take an active role this day of activities. In addition, no politician is left; they all make their way to this classic football game.
TSU went down; JSU pulled it off, 35-29, but TSU won on other levels. They took JSU out with the Sophisticated Ladies, these beautiful women drew, what could’ve been, every photographer present, the battle of bands, and TSU kick off a victorious wave; it took three rounds, at the exact end of it, JSU scored; TSU didn’t try again. Who cares, with thousands of spectators and a stadium ¾ full; these games are necessary.
There is an economic impact that we all enjoy and benefit; from an immediate financial return to taxes into our city treasury. The public relations and human impact is immeasurable. Memphians must continue to come together so that events like this are felt well into the future. We must seek ways to include them into our overall economic plan. These events bring into our community fresh “outside” dollars; they fill our hotels, restaurants, night life, and they create event jobs. Mr. Jones has a plan to make this Southern Heritage Classic a national event, right here in our city. Each Memphian must accept this challenge as their challenge and do whatever is necessary to grow his dream into reality.
<a href=”“>
“Click this photo to enjoy more photos of SHC football game & parade”
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Mark Coleman: In a Dog Fight for Super District 8-1
Mark Coleman says that he would make a better leader than Councilman Joe Brown; is that even possible? Councilman Brown has been around since the beginning of time. He has survived controversies, challengers to his political dynasty, and several administrations. During this cycle of elections he isn’t giving Mr. Coleman any attention at all. This long-term entrenched leader doesn’t view Mr. Coleman as a threat but, perhaps, a nuisance: that’s the prevailing attitude of someone who has been in political office for as long as Councilman Brown. Old bulls fight to stay king of the pasture for one day at a time; after all, there’s still something there to fight for. For those who are looking on; they secretly pray the old bull is whip by the young and moves on.
There’s one serious problem with Memphis politics especially among black elected official; they hate challenges nevertheless, challengers
bring new ideas, vision, and want to make things better. Those elements are keys for the survivability of any community. Those who are wise know that a time comes when one must move over so the future can move in. Old bulls don’t fight young bulls to the death like old black political leaders do. It’s really easy to show some respect.
Mark Coleman if a fine man; he has served this community well. Mr. Coleman volunteered and worked in many candidate’s campaigns over the years, a staunch democrat, he has a long history of activism, intelligent, knows his way around Memphis politics, and his low-keyed mild mannerism would fit well in Memphis’ future leadership caucus. Mr. Coleman, a family man, holds close to his religious convictions and understands how to keep Memphis growing. He worked his way up through employment in several different political administrations; invaluable experiences that surely would add volumes to his understanding of how our city operates.
Mark Coleman isn’t a new kid on block or to politics; his father, Mr. John Coleman (deceased) was a long time labor leader at Ford Motor Co. and political activist also, he support many of our political leaders many of whom are in office today. John and Mark operated their business on the corner of S. Parkway & Florida Street for years; in that, he knows how to make payroll, budget, and create jobs.
If the people decide; Mark Coleman, Councilman, Super District 8-1.
There’s one serious problem with Memphis politics especially among black elected official; they hate challenges nevertheless, challengers
Mark Coleman if a fine man; he has served this community well. Mr. Coleman volunteered and worked in many candidate’s campaigns over the years, a staunch democrat, he has a long history of activism, intelligent, knows his way around Memphis politics, and his low-keyed mild mannerism would fit well in Memphis’ future leadership caucus. Mr. Coleman, a family man, holds close to his religious convictions and understands how to keep Memphis growing. He worked his way up through employment in several different political administrations; invaluable experiences that surely would add volumes to his understanding of how our city operates.
Mark Coleman isn’t a new kid on block or to politics; his father, Mr. John Coleman (deceased) was a long time labor leader at Ford Motor Co. and political activist also, he support many of our political leaders many of whom are in office today. John and Mark operated their business on the corner of S. Parkway & Florida Street for years; in that, he knows how to make payroll, budget, and create jobs.
If the people decide; Mark Coleman, Councilman, Super District 8-1.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Can Edmund Ford Sr. lead Memphis?
There are those who believe that Memphis is the worst city in the nation and there’s nothing that can be done about it; not so, says Mayoral candidate Edmund Ford Sr. His vision for Memphis was well laid out during his campaign kickoff this week. An impressive crowd of about 300 core supporters attend his kickoff; along with the traditional “time for change” theme; Mr. Ford made it perfectly clear that it’s time to “Turn off A.C.” His passion for change came through as he pointed out the city’s blight, crime, and present administration’s problems with labor unions; he would have an open door policy at city hall, and create a transparent government among other things.
He established his commitment to the city by reminding the crowd that he has served two terms as city councilman. Mr. Ford: two term councilman, long time business owner, committed family man, and a man who says, “I start nothing until I give thanks to God.” Is this a man who can lead Memphis into change and the 21st century?
Mr. Ford picked up two very important endorsements during his kickoff; Memphis Police Association, V.P, Michael Williams,, delivered a passionate talk about Mayor A.C. Wharton’s administration failure to honor the city’s contracts. AFSCME, National Field Service Director, Mrs. Shelley Seeberg,, invoked Dr. King’s fight for Memphis’ sanitation workers and how Mayor A.C. Wharton’s administration failed them. Also present was Councilman Edmund Ford Jr. and Kemba Ford, candidate for City Council Dist. 7.
Edmund Ford Sr. is poised to put up a good contest for Mayor of Memphis with his full-time support of Thaddeus Matthews and his WPLX radio station. Mr. Matthews, in his traditional investigative ways, would work as Mr. Ford’s consultant by presenting to his radio listening audience various examples of Wharton’s administration failures.
As a business owner who have created jobs and knows how important it is in meeting payroll; a past city representative and legislator; a devout family man; a believer in religious inspiration: with all of Mayor Wharton’s short comings, can Edmund Ford Sr. lead Memphis into prosperity?

Mr. Ford held his wife in high esteem as foundation of his life and that citizens of Memphis would get “two for one” when he’s elected.
One can’t overlook the fact; this family is organized and tightly together.
He established his commitment to the city by reminding the crowd that he has served two terms as city councilman. Mr. Ford: two term councilman, long time business owner, committed family man, and a man who says, “I start nothing until I give thanks to God.” Is this a man who can lead Memphis into change and the 21st century?
As a business owner who have created jobs and knows how important it is in meeting payroll; a past city representative and legislator; a devout family man; a believer in religious inspiration: with all of Mayor Wharton’s short comings, can Edmund Ford Sr. lead Memphis into prosperity?
Mr. Ford held his wife in high esteem as foundation of his life and that citizens of Memphis would get “two for one” when he’s elected.
One can’t overlook the fact; this family is organized and tightly together.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Where's #14: The Cleanest Fire House in Memphis?
Of all the things that’s great about a city; the number one attraction would be fire trucks; weaving their way through traffic; their sirens blasting; engine rev, and the men aboard staring straight ahead as on a ride with destiny. And, if that’s not enough to grab one’s attention; these huge trucks would shine like new money.
Millions of children around the country would get their first view of a city, which would become their hometown, through the fire truck. In fact, these children’s first contact with authority is by the fire truck. 
Imagine a contest between Memphis Fire Dept and Memphis Police Dept vehicles; which would you vote as number one attraction, as far as cleanliness? In times gone by, you would’ve voted the Fire Department; not anymore, those days are gone by.
Memphis Wireblog found the cleanest fire house in Memphis. You won’t believe where it is!
Memphis Fire Department property and vehicles are in poor condition. There’re trucks that haven’t had a cleaning in weeks. One would look hard to find a clean spot on some trucks. One can easily figure the state of a city by its property condition. The first line of impression is Fire and Police Dept. vehicles. If these properties are dirty and unkempt then one can rest assure the city is in poor condition financially and other wise. On the other hand, if they’re well kept then, one can rest assure that both city leadership and fiscal policies are strong.
The cleanest fire house in Memphis, TN is Fire Station #14, 980 E. Mclemore Ave. 38106 near College Street: known as the heart of South Memphis. Their fire trucks shine from top to bottom and everywhere in between. This writer watched those firemen clean their trucks as if they’re awaiting the arrival of the Mayor. After talking to the lieutenant there, it became obvious why this station and its equipment are top of the line. He said, “Every morning all equipment is checked and cleaned”, including the trucks; that his mentor, his earlier lieutenant at another station was old school and demanded that equipment is clean.
It would be a good thing if the Mayor dropped in on various departments to do spot inspections of our equipment then, honor those who hold the highest standards of upkeep and cleanliness.
Short of that; citizens should stop by Fire Station #14 and thank them for a job well done.
Congratulations Fire Station #14!
Imagine a contest between Memphis Fire Dept and Memphis Police Dept vehicles; which would you vote as number one attraction, as far as cleanliness? In times gone by, you would’ve voted the Fire Department; not anymore, those days are gone by.
Memphis Wireblog found the cleanest fire house in Memphis. You won’t believe where it is!
Memphis Fire Department property and vehicles are in poor condition. There’re trucks that haven’t had a cleaning in weeks. One would look hard to find a clean spot on some trucks. One can easily figure the state of a city by its property condition. The first line of impression is Fire and Police Dept. vehicles. If these properties are dirty and unkempt then one can rest assure the city is in poor condition financially and other wise. On the other hand, if they’re well kept then, one can rest assure that both city leadership and fiscal policies are strong.
The cleanest fire house in Memphis, TN is Fire Station #14, 980 E. Mclemore Ave. 38106 near College Street: known as the heart of South Memphis. Their fire trucks shine from top to bottom and everywhere in between. This writer watched those firemen clean their trucks as if they’re awaiting the arrival of the Mayor. After talking to the lieutenant there, it became obvious why this station and its equipment are top of the line. He said, “Every morning all equipment is checked and cleaned”, including the trucks; that his mentor, his earlier lieutenant at another station was old school and demanded that equipment is clean.
It would be a good thing if the Mayor dropped in on various departments to do spot inspections of our equipment then, honor those who hold the highest standards of upkeep and cleanliness.
Short of that; citizens should stop by Fire Station #14 and thank them for a job well done.
Congratulations Fire Station #14!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What does Smiley & West with AARP & NEA have in Common?
Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West are on the “road of discredit” and they seem to have joined the Tea Party ideology against President Obama. They’re addressing issues, on the road, that seem innocence but, are they really? These men are working uncover.
S & W, not to be confused with the respected Smith & Wesson arms, are bought and pay for by AARP and NEA. A week ago Tavis Smiley proudly displays AARP and NEA sponsorship on his website. This writer contacted AARP and asks, “How did Tavis Smiley get their sponsorship?” Their representative stated that, “He applied for the sponsorship; we share views, so we did it”. AARP and NEA both are charged and labeled as liberals and extreme liberals. A negative campaign by S & W would serve these organizations well.
S & W would attack President Obama on the grounds of not speaking the word “poor” and for what they believe he’s doing “wrong” by supporting the middle class over the poor. If they’ve a problem with how the President and the nation respect the middle class, they’ve no idea how important the middle class is to the poor and our national economic well-being. At the same time, AARP and NEA, by their sponsorship, could shed their liberal identity and project the image of supporting all of their members equally. AARP & NEA both need S & W to get the liberal label off their backs. S & W needs AARP and NEA for money and a vehicle around the country, in their attempt, to discredit President Obama.
Dr. West stated that, “President Barack Obama would make Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cry.”These guys refuse to accept that Dr. King never publicly said an ugly word about a President. He was a man about non-violence in action and words. Further, Dr. King would have disapproved of such blatant disrespect of anybody with a high moral character like that of President Obama. He wouldn’t approve of an orchestrated national campaign to tear down and destroy a good man. In fact, Dr. King would have embraced President Obama; would have applauded his great works and would have connected the President’s election of office to his “I Have a Dream” message. These men haven’t any respect for Dr. King or his “Dream”. S & W are coupons of AARP and NEA to be redeemed at a later day. Nevertheless, their attacks are baseless and without sound underlying principles.
Well, guess what? As of today, Tavis Smiley’s website doesn’t mention that AARP and NEA as sponsors of his "National Poverty Tour: A Call to Conscience". Maybe AARP and NEA want to hide their hands while they take part, as sponsors, of a hate campaign against the President of United States of America.
Dr. West called the President, “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.”Whatever that means; nevertheless, these are the same caricatures used by another hate group: the Tea Party.However, these guys are raking up big money from two corporate giants without taking a side glance. Perhaps they’ve found a money cow: be black, attack the first black President, and the money just rolls in.
It’s important to know that black voters possibly would become a powerful block vote on the Democratic side, in next year’s election; the master minds behind S & W would design a campaign to marginalize the effect of black voters by injecting doubt and fear. Thereby, dividing black voters and shaving off their effect on election night: an evil campaign. Another strategy; get the President to respond to this “poor” campaign then, attack him on grounds for being “weak”.
S & W, not to be confused with the respected Smith & Wesson arms, are bought and pay for by AARP and NEA. A week ago Tavis Smiley proudly displays AARP and NEA sponsorship on his website. This writer contacted AARP and asks, “How did Tavis Smiley get their sponsorship?” Their representative stated that, “He applied for the sponsorship; we share views, so we did it”. AARP and NEA both are charged and labeled as liberals and extreme liberals. A negative campaign by S & W would serve these organizations well.
S & W would attack President Obama on the grounds of not speaking the word “poor” and for what they believe he’s doing “wrong” by supporting the middle class over the poor. If they’ve a problem with how the President and the nation respect the middle class, they’ve no idea how important the middle class is to the poor and our national economic well-being. At the same time, AARP and NEA, by their sponsorship, could shed their liberal identity and project the image of supporting all of their members equally. AARP & NEA both need S & W to get the liberal label off their backs. S & W needs AARP and NEA for money and a vehicle around the country, in their attempt, to discredit President Obama.
Dr. West stated that, “President Barack Obama would make Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cry.”These guys refuse to accept that Dr. King never publicly said an ugly word about a President. He was a man about non-violence in action and words. Further, Dr. King would have disapproved of such blatant disrespect of anybody with a high moral character like that of President Obama. He wouldn’t approve of an orchestrated national campaign to tear down and destroy a good man. In fact, Dr. King would have embraced President Obama; would have applauded his great works and would have connected the President’s election of office to his “I Have a Dream” message. These men haven’t any respect for Dr. King or his “Dream”. S & W are coupons of AARP and NEA to be redeemed at a later day. Nevertheless, their attacks are baseless and without sound underlying principles.
Well, guess what? As of today, Tavis Smiley’s website doesn’t mention that AARP and NEA as sponsors of his "National Poverty Tour: A Call to Conscience". Maybe AARP and NEA want to hide their hands while they take part, as sponsors, of a hate campaign against the President of United States of America.
Dr. West called the President, “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.”Whatever that means; nevertheless, these are the same caricatures used by another hate group: the Tea Party.However, these guys are raking up big money from two corporate giants without taking a side glance. Perhaps they’ve found a money cow: be black, attack the first black President, and the money just rolls in.
It’s important to know that black voters possibly would become a powerful block vote on the Democratic side, in next year’s election; the master minds behind S & W would design a campaign to marginalize the effect of black voters by injecting doubt and fear. Thereby, dividing black voters and shaving off their effect on election night: an evil campaign. Another strategy; get the President to respond to this “poor” campaign then, attack him on grounds for being “weak”.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
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Monday, August 08, 2011
The "Party of No"
The Koch Brothers, Tea Party, and far-out conservative Republicans, not on the political spectrum of left-right American politics, are bent on destroying American's way of life. Their whole strategy is to punish those, primarily young white Independents, who voted for President Obama. Nothing is off the table with this group. They've done what the Taliban and other radicals would have given a thousand souls to do. They've hurt this great nation in ways that most of us didn't see coming. For months there overt and relentless attacks on the President and those who voted for him have wrenched the soul of America. Yet, they claim to have the interest of the American people at heart. So far, they've been as ugly and heartless as any institution can possibly be. There is one thing that we all know: this group consist of the "Party of No" and they've no idea about governance.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Is the National Debt an Issue, Really?
The American people aren’t interested in reducing the national debt, really. They welcome the burdening of their children for a thousand years and aren’t interested in reducing the national debt by about 30%, forever.
The American people can’t continue to overlook one of the greatest opportunities in American’s history to cut the debt burden on our future. To free the American people of this burden, trillions of dollars in debt and taxes, would take bold moves. Everyone alive today would benefit from this Godly plan: Rebuild African-American people into equal partners in industry and commerce.
The results would be astronomical; from reduced welfare dependence to nearly zero crime to a much healthier sociality. The known world as of today would transform into a much different world in the near future. Each reduction in social programs, justice dept., and commercial subsidies would equate into billions in reduced taxes.
America must give 35 million people, African-Americans, a right and opportunity to reach every level of the American dream: The highest quality of life in the world.
America must stop “giving” its people fish and bread; start “teaching” them how to fish for their self. In other words; teach black people how to successfully enter into industry and commerce; make opportunities available to them; finance their ideas and witness commercial growth unlike any other period in America’s history. The windfall benefit, to every American citizen, would be astronomical.
The American people can’t continue to overlook one of the greatest opportunities in American’s history to cut the debt burden on our future. To free the American people of this burden, trillions of dollars in debt and taxes, would take bold moves. Everyone alive today would benefit from this Godly plan: Rebuild African-American people into equal partners in industry and commerce.
The results would be astronomical; from reduced welfare dependence to nearly zero crime to a much healthier sociality. The known world as of today would transform into a much different world in the near future. Each reduction in social programs, justice dept., and commercial subsidies would equate into billions in reduced taxes.
America must give 35 million people, African-Americans, a right and opportunity to reach every level of the American dream: The highest quality of life in the world.
America must stop “giving” its people fish and bread; start “teaching” them how to fish for their self. In other words; teach black people how to successfully enter into industry and commerce; make opportunities available to them; finance their ideas and witness commercial growth unlike any other period in America’s history. The windfall benefit, to every American citizen, would be astronomical.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Contra-Relevance: Blacks’ Internal War
Like free-flowing water rushing from a high place; recognition hasn’t any obstructions and flows to all that deserves it. Friends and family with cheers, smiles, and love would lift their awardees high upon their shoulders as the rush forges ahead. No doubt, success flows through the blood stream; this shall happen again and again.
Is this an attack on prosperity? Or, is blacks subconsciously acting out hatred of self; after hundreds of years of divisive destruction; an era that knocked them back into time by centuries? It’s clear; this behavior is a mimic of how white bosses behave as blacks carry out great things on their job. Either way, must give up this ugly behavior as they enter into the 21st century to become full partners in modern trade and commerce. Blacks must give up this internal war and work together for their own survival. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, and racial inequalities have jointly hurled black Americans back into time a thousand years.
However, a well-known fact exists, even as black Americans are in their worst condition, which is: America is well capable in rebuilding nations and people. Some day America will see true value in building black Americans into world trading partners. In return, black Americans would have a true stake and take responsibility for their own future.
Recognition drives the world; one’s associates, family, friends, and strangers are backing up this fine standard of acknowledgement and award. Depending on the level of attention that one received, a greater challenge might be in the works. But; at least, family and friends admire the accomplishment; however, in return, they receive admiration for their interest, and being there for the long haul.
On the other hand, thousands of black Americans are going totally unnoticed, by friends and family, everyday as they make important contributions to all areas of life. Those who would be their detractors might simple say, “They’re doing it for God; they’ll get rewards and acknowledgment from Him”. Or, they’re ignored as worthless. Is this an attack on prosperity? Or, is blacks subconsciously acting out hatred of self; after hundreds of years of divisive destruction; an era that knocked them back into time by centuries? It’s clear; this behavior is a mimic of how white bosses behave as blacks carry out great things on their job. Either way, must give up this ugly behavior as they enter into the 21st century to become full partners in modern trade and commerce. Blacks must give up this internal war and work together for their own survival. Slavery, Jim Crow laws, and racial inequalities have jointly hurled black Americans back into time a thousand years.
However, a well-known fact exists, even as black Americans are in their worst condition, which is: America is well capable in rebuilding nations and people. Some day America will see true value in building black Americans into world trading partners. In return, black Americans would have a true stake and take responsibility for their own future.
Monday, July 04, 2011
Senseless Killing: Officer Down in Memphis
I would like to express my condolences to Officer Timothy Warren’s family on behalf of his last and untimely sacrifice while performing his duty to the citizens of Memphis.
Any job that requires a man or woman to put his or her life in jeopardy and pledge our general community is safe deserves our greatest respect.
Officers witness volumes of crime, hatred, and disrespect every day. Citizens simply say: it’s their job. Officer Warren, like thousands of officers around the world, wanted to go home after a hard day’s work; kiss his children and wife; live a long life to support them; and wanted to see them grow and become productive citizens in the city where he worked to make it possible.
Many citizens complain about police harassment, brutality, and their toughness. But, most of these people go home to their family afterward. Many are able to seek justice in courts and settlements.
In the end, most citizens never can truly understand the job policing which doesn’t include fear. But, police officers and their family live in constant fear; never knowing when the day would come they will not be coming home, ever again.
Officer and civilian dead after shooting at Downtown Memphis DoubleTree: Memphis Commerce Appeal Newspaper
Any job that requires a man or woman to put his or her life in jeopardy and pledge our general community is safe deserves our greatest respect.
Officers witness volumes of crime, hatred, and disrespect every day. Citizens simply say: it’s their job. Officer Warren, like thousands of officers around the world, wanted to go home after a hard day’s work; kiss his children and wife; live a long life to support them; and wanted to see them grow and become productive citizens in the city where he worked to make it possible.
Many citizens complain about police harassment, brutality, and their toughness. But, most of these people go home to their family afterward. Many are able to seek justice in courts and settlements.
In the end, most citizens never can truly understand the job policing which doesn’t include fear. But, police officers and their family live in constant fear; never knowing when the day would come they will not be coming home, ever again.
Officer and civilian dead after shooting at Downtown Memphis DoubleTree: Memphis Commerce Appeal Newspaper
Thursday, June 09, 2011
President Barack Obama Discovers Green-Gold in Memphis
As Booker T. Washington won the White House’s “Race to Top” competition their victory speaks volumes to urban children everywhere. They’re discounted as urban underclass; it took a President to discover that’s far from the truth. BTW represents the child next door; any of them could have informed the President and brought greatness to their city.
In addition, Memphis City School system is a beach-head for another contest: Political war. The entire caucus of Tennessee’s Republicans joined in with Senator Mark Norris (R) Collierville; to keep school segregation alive in Tennessee. Their heavy-handed approach to prevent a unified Memphis and Shelby County schools is short of unthinkable. The Republican Party drew a line in sand last year and declared war on urban students; as they fight in court to keep them apart. Citizens of Memphis and Shelby County have hired top rated lawyers to prosecute this education war by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for lawyers to just say, no. Perhaps, the President seized an opportunity in historic fashion by understanding that Tennessee Republicans are on the other side of history in their school segregation battle. The President made it clear that he wants “No Child left Behind” replaced with “Race to The Top”. This signals a war between Republicans and Democrats on what America’s education would look like in the future.
Whenever a President speaks on an issue, the world changes; the question is: To what? It’s no sudden strategy of the President and the Democratic Party that BTW is permanently on the political radar screen.
Friday, June 03, 2011
Black Memphis "Finger Pointing" Administrators a Greater Problem
MATA and CA must take full responsibility for their poor description of Memphis citizens who uses this poorly operated trolley system. Their public display of Memphis citizens who patronize bus and trolley system is below what would ordinarily be expected in other large cities. Like most black administrators; they’re busy as bees uncovering any and all suspicious activities of other blacks; true or false. However, that’s not apart of their job description. Allison Burton and the CA should be overactive in assisting those who were hurt and who might have ridden as out-of-town visitors; instead of quoting and writing “hearsay” in the morning paper.
Most articles are “down written” intentionally to depict black citizens as thugs, criminals, and thieves. While everybody else is depicted as citizens one most likely would want to move next door too. The truth is: While blacks are trapped into a violent life style, they’re not as violent as other people would be living under the same situation. There’re very few nations where large populations of minorities who’re poor, undereducated, with almost no commercial opportunities, in extremely poor health, and in dept poverty who’re equal to or less violent than black Americans. Black Americans overwhelmingly do the right things.
It’s time to put the truth on the table; if whites who’re charged with racial insensitive must attend sensitivity classes then, it’s more important that blacks who’re insensitive toward other blacks should attend the same classes. There’s a quiet and unknown fact that’s growing within “black culture”; separating of black professionals from the general black population thereby, creating another class of blacks who view other blacks as despicable, low-class freaks who only want to cheat their way through life. In other words, this class of blacks has the same views as their white racist counterparts. Each hasn’t any regard for the struggles and disadvantages imposed upon millions of black people even as this piece is written.
The black “super class” feels their superiority is evidence that any black person could have achieved success if they “low blacks” would do as they have done. Again, this thinking has no regard for past and present disadvantages suffered by millions of black people in America. Nevertheless, a quiet discovery is made: Blacks are unequal and many black professionals are racist; with the exact mindset as white racist. One small difference exists within the racist black mindset; they want black American to accept, act, and do as they do; become “accepted” black people, and give-up on pioneering what would become liberated Americans with their own set of values, contributing to the American way of life. In reality, these black professionals are no more than three weeks pay from returning to their black “low class” status.
Most articles are “down written” intentionally to depict black citizens as thugs, criminals, and thieves. While everybody else is depicted as citizens one most likely would want to move next door too. The truth is: While blacks are trapped into a violent life style, they’re not as violent as other people would be living under the same situation. There’re very few nations where large populations of minorities who’re poor, undereducated, with almost no commercial opportunities, in extremely poor health, and in dept poverty who’re equal to or less violent than black Americans. Black Americans overwhelmingly do the right things.
It’s time to put the truth on the table; if whites who’re charged with racial insensitive must attend sensitivity classes then, it’s more important that blacks who’re insensitive toward other blacks should attend the same classes. There’s a quiet and unknown fact that’s growing within “black culture”; separating of black professionals from the general black population thereby, creating another class of blacks who view other blacks as despicable, low-class freaks who only want to cheat their way through life. In other words, this class of blacks has the same views as their white racist counterparts. Each hasn’t any regard for the struggles and disadvantages imposed upon millions of black people even as this piece is written.
The black “super class” feels their superiority is evidence that any black person could have achieved success if they “low blacks” would do as they have done. Again, this thinking has no regard for past and present disadvantages suffered by millions of black people in America. Nevertheless, a quiet discovery is made: Blacks are unequal and many black professionals are racist; with the exact mindset as white racist. One small difference exists within the racist black mindset; they want black American to accept, act, and do as they do; become “accepted” black people, and give-up on pioneering what would become liberated Americans with their own set of values, contributing to the American way of life. In reality, these black professionals are no more than three weeks pay from returning to their black “low class” status.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Muslims Put of Plane in Memphis
“They are imams,” Bayakly said. “They are religious figures. They usually wear the traditional Muslim gowns and head covers. Just like what the pope would wear or the Orthodox Jew would wear.”
What really happened on that flight? Were these men conducting themselves in way that made other passengers uncomfortable? Were their actions obnoxious or dubious? We might not ever know but, these questions have answers. As an after thought, there’s another question that weights heavy on my mind: Do we really care? I do think so; I take this situation lightly as a personal decision of the pilot. I also think that Nabil’s word “obstinate” is a poor choice and hangs on a thread of arrogance.
I don’t see this as an attack on Muslims, Al-Islam, or as a sign of heighten fears in the aftermath of Osama bin Ladin’s assassination. Look, let’s be real about this; we’re Americans, you can get thrown out of anything. We’ve thrown each other out of cabs, buses, hotels, restaurants, bars, clubs, trains, you name it. If one is thrown off an airplane then, that’s the biggest throw off of all. Now, it’s against the law to throw someone out because of religion, race, national origin, sex, age, handicap, sexual orientation, or color of skin. These guys were thrown off the plane; they should dust themselves off, complain, change air service, and get over it.
Nabil expressed his thoughts about this traditional (Muslim) religious garb but, in reality it’s not religious at all; it’s traditional and not “traditional Muslim” at all. And, it’s absolutely not equal to the pope’s garb or that of the orthodox Jews. All Muslim don’t wear the same style of clothing; everyday to every affair. Wearing these traditional clothing isn’t a sign of ones religious conviction; in fact, no apparel does that.
Many years ago before the attack on 9/11; an African guess and dignitary, Cheikh Hasan Cisse of Senegal , West African visited Memphis for the first time. Security wanted to search his traditional belongings I objected for two reasons; one, this man was a diplomat and two, these belongings were carried with him for religious reasons, they were religious books and artifacts among other things passed down to him by his ancestors for hundreds of years that he carried with him everywhere in world.
Cheikh Cisse agreed to allow security to search this bag. Later, I wrote a letter to the Airport’s President and administration. They wrote back a very apologetic response and ask that I let them know when Cheikh Hasan Cisse arrives in Memphis . I’ll stand with the Memphis International Airport any day on this issue.
Monday, May 02, 2011
African-Americans & The Osama Death Conspiracy?
The American people respect all religious beliefs therefore, under the tenets of Al-Islam and its Sharia, natural law; an autopsy isn’t to be performed on a Muslim’s body and it must be buried immediately. Osama Bin Ladin was found guilty by congress, our administrative, Presidential, institution, and public opinion; his punishment was death. He had every opportunity to come clean, by standing before the world community giving up his failed organization, Al-Qaida, and emphatically denying all charges of murder and war.
On the contrary, ten years ago; he stood before the world and declared war on America or from his Islamic point of view; jihad! Americans mustn’t play into the hands of people who smile in our faces and ready, with ease, to place a dagger in our backs. We accepted the war/jihad of Al-Qaida and Osama but, they must understand; that when the fighting starts American troops, men and women, lives are on the line; they’re willing to give their lives just to get a chance, at your throats.
There isn’t any conspiracy here; Osama is dead, he knew the price that he must pay to launch his ‘New World Order”. President Obama’s orders were in line with the will of the American people; he didn’t fail them.
African-Americans; they must grow up fast, give up those old emotions, think of their power when viewing the world, accept and understand that because one’s skin isn’t white like that of American Caucasians does mean that he or she is your friend or think as they do. Many of these people want to see your nation totally destructed and rebuilt into a nation like theirs’, of which you wouldn’t have any place but, another inferior one. Think, Al Qaida and Osama wouldn’t have given a second thought to killing Americans including black Americans; they would enter into your homes, kill you, and your babies with bombs; like they have throughout the world. They’re killing people of their own religious beliefs; Muslims; men, women, and children.
My appeal to African-Americans, brothers and sisters, and those who think as we do, wakeup and defend President Obama against those who want to start their own “New World Order” like the right-wing GOP, Tea Party, Palin, Trump, and others out there who want to see our world, America, made much different from what we want. Today, inside America; we have much bigger political issues to debate than an Osama conspiracy. Nevertheless, until America raises her oppressed and forgotten, African-Americans would forever have doubt.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Is Donald Trump a Socialist?
Donald Trump and his followers are out of touch with American values. Children around the country would hear Donald Trump, potential candidate for President of United States; strew his audience with the F— word. In fact his audience gave to him a standing ovation. Trump’s language skills could be used to promote gangster hip-hop and rap music; kids would love that. They know very well that ones use of profanity is as substitute or absence of knowledge.
Trump has no idea the tremendous power, honor, respect, and dignity of the America people. He would insult China to bring about negotiations, insult the elected leaders of his own country; where he has enjoyed one of the greatest life styles in the world; his policies would shut the economic boarders of America by attacking an industry, oil industry, without any consideration for free enterprise and/or democracy. To bring down the cost of any product would become a walk on a constitutional tight rope of rights, as well as, our concept of a free market place if government directly intervenes; which would be communism or if one prefers, “socialism”.
Trump and his Republican right-wing demagogues thinks that to insult and degrade American people, American leaders, and world leaders and their people would bring better international policies than what’s on the table now; how stupid can they be?
Those ideas are in fact the same as socialist’s; Trump and his followers are fighting for socialist values and President Obama is fighting for American values; which side would you choose; American or Socialist?
Trump’s Las Vegas speech to his supporters
Trump has no idea the tremendous power, honor, respect, and dignity of the America people. He would insult China to bring about negotiations, insult the elected leaders of his own country; where he has enjoyed one of the greatest life styles in the world; his policies would shut the economic boarders of America by attacking an industry, oil industry, without any consideration for free enterprise and/or democracy. To bring down the cost of any product would become a walk on a constitutional tight rope of rights, as well as, our concept of a free market place if government directly intervenes; which would be communism or if one prefers, “socialism”.
Trump and his Republican right-wing demagogues thinks that to insult and degrade American people, American leaders, and world leaders and their people would bring better international policies than what’s on the table now; how stupid can they be?
Those ideas are in fact the same as socialist’s; Trump and his followers are fighting for socialist values and President Obama is fighting for American values; which side would you choose; American or Socialist?
Trump’s Las Vegas speech to his supporters
Friday, April 22, 2011
Is it Too Late for African-Americans and Their Share?
I’m posing to you the most important questions that you have ever answered. This question is a serious attempt to cause deep thinking. Your answer would lay a foundation for more serious debate today and for years to come. This question would also create a wave of other questions from people who would be trying to derail its results. On the other hand, it would prepare those who are of our best thinkers to train their minds on the inevitable.
Since the days of America’s industrial revolution ethnic groups carved out their share of America’s economy. Today, this carving is more prevalent than ever before. Each American ethnic group is known by the industry they control. These groups build great wealth, their offspring futures, and would fight a war to keep up their control.
The source of every control is raw materials from agricultural to mining precious metal. Italian-Americans dominate several industries like pizza, vegetables, and apparel; Korean-Americans industries include hair care products, auto manufacturing, oriental restaurants, and cheap technologies; Arab-Americans are establishing a strong presence in gas stations, neighborhood food retailing, and cell-phone retailing. Indian-Americans dominate the hospitality industry, et cetera. These are a small sample of this point of view however, many more groups claim, work, and protect their own industries.
After one has taken this list to its biter end one would come back tired from research and amazed at its end. However, there will be no mention of African-Americans and industry in the same voice. Today, we’ll change that. Let’s all stand and say, “AFRICAN-AMERICAN INDUSTRY”.
The question: Which industry would best match up to African-Americans to becoming self-sufficient, productive, and a full partner in the American way of life?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My God; Where is Your Liberty for African-American Males?
Why do African-Americans put their children away in jails, thinking they’ll obey after they’ve served jail time? Why do whites fight hard to keep their children free? One child is no better than the next however, African-Americans simply give up on their children lives easier and whites see their children lives as their future. Every people in the world know that to empower ‘your’ children is to empower ‘your’ future.
African-Americans hate their sons if they show any signs of rebellion: this is based on black parents’ ultra conservative views. They have strong beliefs in words and ideas like bad, mannish, disrespectful, arrogant, attitude, mean, and don’t listen. If their sons and boys have any one of the above behavior situations then, they’re in deep trouble with their parents and likely would lose their lives to crime and violence or even worst; lose the love of their parents.
This insane parental behavior is why over a million men are in prisons and jails across America and why black boys and men are together the poorest group of men and on this so-called urban “endangered species” list. Whites love this opportunity to project themselves as the best to administer punishment on African-Americans as a way to warn their sons and boys and at the same time support African-Americans’ ultra conservative views.
African-Americans truly believe that when one of their sons break the law a maximum punishment would fix the crime. In addition, they believe the punishment must be administered by whites. The reason behind this corrupt idea is black parents feel embarrassed by their acts of violence and the only way, for the parent, to “save face” is severe punishment. The only people on the planet that thinks like this is America blacks.
African-Americans would never defend their sons like that of whites who defends their sons regardless of the wrong they have done. If laws were on the book specifically to jail white parents’ sons they would come together to change those laws and set their sons free.
All Americans should be concern about the growing population of inmates living day and day out in prisons throughout America. More particularly, African-Americans must come to the forefront of this growing issue. There is something strange about jailing men for any small crime as punishment; and, something ugly about the very idea. Will there be a day, in American, where African-American men would truly find liberty?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Facebook: A Political Gateway
We’re living in a time when not one person can compliant about a lack of communication; a time of massive communication opportunities unlike any other time before us. We can tweet, blog, email, text, phone, chat, and webbot. Everyone in the world is trying to capture this enormous chance to get in and stay in touch with as many people as possible. Social network blogs like Facebook has moved to the front of the class primarily because of a void that left people out of each other’s life. These blogs connected us in ways never thought of before.
The Democratic Party and President Obama use these opportunities in the most efficient and effective ways ever. What’s really surprising is: local politicians are hiding behind the curve. They would use Facebook to invite their friends to social parties, give a ways, and small talk than to present their political views and give them an opportunity to peep into their vision for the future. Perhaps they’re afraid that their constituents might get a chance to see how illiterate they are. But, on the other hand; they might be elected officials with no idea how they won the position. In other words, they won a political office with no policy change or politics. These so-called politicians know that if they send a post they would receive instant gratification or instant chastising. So, what do they do? They sat on their hands, literally.
Most of these people are playing the ends against the middle and aren’t sincere about their office. In stark contrast, Tea Party members make their position known on every issue. They would let anyone know, face to face, about the future they want for America. Unlike local Democratic Party politicians who appear to be afraid and are refusing to speak-out about their vision for America’s future. Let’s not forget that all national politics is local; a matter of following your tax dollars.
The Democratic Party and President Obama use these opportunities in the most efficient and effective ways ever. What’s really surprising is: local politicians are hiding behind the curve. They would use Facebook to invite their friends to social parties, give a ways, and small talk than to present their political views and give them an opportunity to peep into their vision for the future. Perhaps they’re afraid that their constituents might get a chance to see how illiterate they are. But, on the other hand; they might be elected officials with no idea how they won the position. In other words, they won a political office with no policy change or politics. These so-called politicians know that if they send a post they would receive instant gratification or instant chastising. So, what do they do? They sat on their hands, literally.
Most of these people are playing the ends against the middle and aren’t sincere about their office. In stark contrast, Tea Party members make their position known on every issue. They would let anyone know, face to face, about the future they want for America. Unlike local Democratic Party politicians who appear to be afraid and are refusing to speak-out about their vision for America’s future. Let’s not forget that all national politics is local; a matter of following your tax dollars.
Friday, April 15, 2011
GOP’s Death Plan for Seniors
Under the GOP budget cut plan for Medicare, seniors must accept and prepare for death. Republicans’ plan is in fact a dead trap for seniors. Americans seniors have worked hard for their entire lives, lead productive and stable lives, paid their taxes, and did the right things for their retirement. Now, Republicans want to setup them up to fail, at the end of their lives, with poor health care services and make way for an undignified dead.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Philosopher, Dr. Cornell West, Rejected in Groundless Attacks on President Obama’s Record
I don’t agree with about 90% of Dr. West’s comments. I suppose that he is highly upset at the President for reasons that might be unspoken and could be personal. Back in 1994, Charles Boone, Wali Shaheed, Deke Pope and I traveled to Baltimore, Maryland together. On the way there, we undertook a very interesting subject of discussion. We talked about the first black President of America. The discussion went on for hours as we touched on very serious issues like what would black leaders think, would they support the President, would they come out against the President, and would envy and jealousy cause distractions as we institutionalize the first black President?
Dr. West reminds me of that conversation years ago. Yes, he is a philosopher and an activist but, he’s off base with the President, as he admitted. He doesn’t possess a cool head and is of working an agenda. In our conversation to Baltimore I asked what would Colin Powell, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and many other so-called black leaders do on this day. The overwhelming answer was they would coöperate; I disagreed. Of course, we never thought for a moment that we would have a black President in our life time.
My disagreement is multi-facet; Dr. West hasn’t held political office, he wouldn’t know the first thing about real politics and definitely the Office of President, President Obama is his own man and will never become these guys silver bullet into the white man’s world, He isn’t a socialist, and in two years this man is asking that the President should’ve overhauled America’s policies on every level: senseless.
Furthermore, the President did create jobs for the poor and working class, help middle class family who are losing their homes, helped corporate America stay afloat whiling saving and creating hundreds of thousands jobs, fought, while risking his own political future, as President to give health care to hundreds of thousands of Americans without health care insurance and to revolutionize how health services are delivered.
Dr. West covered the President like a carpet about things that he alleged the President hadn’t done but, I’m sure he remembers that President Kennedy, black folk’s hero, stated, “Ask not what your country can do for you but, ask what you can do for your country.” Dr. West knows what that means.
In addition, Dr. West’s attacks are groundless neither of his points are supported by facts. His rambling attests to one fact; he has no political or social base to stand on. His arguments are merely conjectures, imaginary, and without historic support.
The President didn’t lie when he told the world that, ‘only in America his story is made possible’. Dr. West relied on a story of someone who has a 5th grade education become President of a country. What hypocrisy, Dr. West knows that President Obama’s election to Office was by divine intervention. Every black man and woman in America, except Dr. West and a few more black leaders, know it’s the truth.
Dr. West reminds me of that conversation years ago. Yes, he is a philosopher and an activist but, he’s off base with the President, as he admitted. He doesn’t possess a cool head and is of working an agenda. In our conversation to Baltimore I asked what would Colin Powell, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and many other so-called black leaders do on this day. The overwhelming answer was they would coöperate; I disagreed. Of course, we never thought for a moment that we would have a black President in our life time.
My disagreement is multi-facet; Dr. West hasn’t held political office, he wouldn’t know the first thing about real politics and definitely the Office of President, President Obama is his own man and will never become these guys silver bullet into the white man’s world, He isn’t a socialist, and in two years this man is asking that the President should’ve overhauled America’s policies on every level: senseless.
Furthermore, the President did create jobs for the poor and working class, help middle class family who are losing their homes, helped corporate America stay afloat whiling saving and creating hundreds of thousands jobs, fought, while risking his own political future, as President to give health care to hundreds of thousands of Americans without health care insurance and to revolutionize how health services are delivered.
Dr. West covered the President like a carpet about things that he alleged the President hadn’t done but, I’m sure he remembers that President Kennedy, black folk’s hero, stated, “Ask not what your country can do for you but, ask what you can do for your country.” Dr. West knows what that means.
In addition, Dr. West’s attacks are groundless neither of his points are supported by facts. His rambling attests to one fact; he has no political or social base to stand on. His arguments are merely conjectures, imaginary, and without historic support.
The President didn’t lie when he told the world that, ‘only in America his story is made possible’. Dr. West relied on a story of someone who has a 5th grade education become President of a country. What hypocrisy, Dr. West knows that President Obama’s election to Office was by divine intervention. Every black man and woman in America, except Dr. West and a few more black leaders, know it’s the truth.
Monday, April 11, 2011
What' Liberation? And, is it in Fact, Real?
Whenever men and women speak of themselves as free I raise an eyebrow wondering do they really know what they’re talking about. In most cases they don’t. Just suppose that everything you’ve been taught about freedom is wrong. And, suppose that slavery is alive and well. What would you do? Would you change your life style and help to liberate yourself and others?
For thousands of years inspired men and women have tried to liberated people around the world, many of them failed in their effort. Those who were successful left behind a great people of all nationalities. These were and are people who raised great civilizations, build monumental structures attesting to their greatness, and they had a love for education without comparison as to those who elected slavery over freedom. To free a man or woman isn’t in body only. An insincere liberator would be one who does just that. To put it another way, he or she isn’t a liberator at all but, an enslaver with a different twist.
Image, African Americans were physically librated after hundreds of years of enslavement but, never received any kind of reform. Their freedom is to simply move about the land under the law of land. These people were never given a lesson or instruction on what freedom means, the conduct of free people, or how free people are live together. They simply took away from plantations hundreds of years of false knowledge, incorrect meanings of life, and gut feeling wisdom of slave life, combined with slammed religious beliefs, fears, myths and fairytales of all kinds. These people are hated to the highest degree of hatred but, for a lack of knowledge, believe they are loved.
Today, in America, we have a continuation of the above facts. Over thirty million African American people haven’t the same chance at life that six billion people enjoy around the world every day. They have free bodies but, still today, can’t do for themselves and are totally dependent on aid from government assistance in every aspect of their lives. These are thirty million people with no trade and commerce among themselves. They’re 100% consumers of everything and manufacture nothing.
There’re those who teach that liberation is education, how far from the truth. Education for African Americans is all about the enslavers’ ways, means, and methods of his power, including layers and layers of more false beliefs as pertained to African Americans’ existence in American and the world. They are taught hundreds of subjects matter and none of them are directed to what actually happened to African Americans in America.
Liberation of the mind is the truest and purest form of freedom. Every document that expresses freedom is directly informing the reader about freedom of mind. Yet, African Americans weren’t and aren’t taught the fundamental and basic elements of liberation. Why, because there’s a price associated with liberation of the human mind. The cost of liberating the African American male, in his home and society, is extremely expensive. However, let’s not forget there’re many stories and parables in scripture that addresses people who were in similar situations as that of African Americans. Almighty God made a way for them and He’ll make a way for African Americans too.
Saturday, April 09, 2011
President Obama can’t go wrong with Booker T. Washington High School
This isn’t the first time that a President visited this South Memphis community. President Bill Clinton visited Flower Homes and Church of God in Christ Annual Convention November 13, 1993; a neighborhood directly associated with BTW. Dr. Martin L. King gave his last, ‘Mountain Top’ speech at Mason Temple another landmark associated with Flower Homes and BTW.
The first African-American elected Mayor of Memphis (as President Barack Obama is the first African-American elected as President of America) is a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School. BTW is known around country for winning championships in almost every category of sport. BTW leadership has thoroughly saturated every fabric of Memphis culture. Students that made up a huge part of followers during Dr. King journey in Memphis were primarily from BTW who had easier access to marches, rallies, and participated in most of his audiences.
Music greats like Booker T. Jones of Booker T. and the MGs attended Booker T. Washington High School, the alma mater of Rufus Thomas and shared the hallowed halls with future stars like Isaac Hayes‘s writing partner David Porter; saxophonist Andrew Love of The Memphis Horns; soul singer/songwriter William Bell and Earth, Wind, and Fire‘s Maurice White.
President Barack Obama would make a tactical and history mistake if he doesn’t select Booker T. Washington High School. However, mistakes are forgiven!
The first African-American elected Mayor of Memphis (as President Barack Obama is the first African-American elected as President of America) is a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School. BTW is known around country for winning championships in almost every category of sport. BTW leadership has thoroughly saturated every fabric of Memphis culture. Students that made up a huge part of followers during Dr. King journey in Memphis were primarily from BTW who had easier access to marches, rallies, and participated in most of his audiences.
Music greats like Booker T. Jones of Booker T. and the MGs attended Booker T. Washington High School, the alma mater of Rufus Thomas and shared the hallowed halls with future stars like Isaac Hayes‘s writing partner David Porter; saxophonist Andrew Love of The Memphis Horns; soul singer/songwriter William Bell and Earth, Wind, and Fire‘s Maurice White.
President Barack Obama would make a tactical and history mistake if he doesn’t select Booker T. Washington High School. However, mistakes are forgiven!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
President Obama, Libya and the World!
For all those political haters of President Obama; let’s look at who he is today. He is one of the most exciting and refreshing Presidents in modern times. He’s a powerful individual and his love for America is unmatched. His vision has broadened from his days as a Senator but as President his view of the world can only be seen from Office of President.
Republicans realizes Democrats are lavishing in their victory of taking the Office back and election of the first minority President of U.S.A. In that, they’re forging ahead what is, seemingly, an unchecked agenda. Democrats must step up their game, check them wherever they are, and never accept their twisted logic about President Obama. We can’t allow them to demean millions of Americans and their efforts to elect our first minority President. Democrats must never forget that our party is the party that gave birth to this idea and has a minority in two of America’s most powerful offices; the Office of President and Secretary of State. If a woman would ever win the set of power in America; Democrats will be the party that would elect her.
Disillusioned Democrats and misguided Republicans are charging that President Obama has made a major mistake in accepting our responsibility as world super power and leader about the issue of Libya. How could we stand before the world while taking a position that our might and power is not about saving lives? America is about democracy and cannot stand by allowing women and children to be killed and murdered by an unchecked army with orders from Libya’s leaders.
I support the President without any doubt that he is right under his own reasoning, our Nation’s duty as part of the United Nations, and our role in the world. Republicans are attacking him from every possible angle however, their arguments are always bias. Of course they would be, they’re on the other side.
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