Thaddeus, thank you for a great blog. Rarely do I get a chance to address someone about their thinking and poor attitude. Saddened by what I have read on your blog by Mr. Gill. As you know I have not suddenly appeared from nowhere as I once read in the Memphis Flyer. For years, more than thirty, I have worked to bring positive change in our community. In many cases, with my life on the line for change. Every level of government has recognized my contributions in the form of certificates and many other forms of acknowledgements. As Chairman of the Shelby County Democratic Party or as some members states,” acting as a Chairman”, someone brought to my attention that one of our officers, Parliamentarian Dell Gill, has launch an attack against my character.
In all of the years that I have been in the public working to help others’ quality of life, no one has ever made an ugly statement, before now, about my life as, “Muslim”. For anyone who knows me, who might be reading this blog, thank you. Mr. Gill as one of the leaders of the Democratic Party has a very loose tongue. He should never forget that America is made up of all kinds of people with a great and beautiful diverse life. America is a wonderful and powerful nation, because of diversity. If Mr. Gill ever assumes full leadership, I truly believe that he would turn back many Americans because of their differences. Our constitution gives every American the freedom to think as they please and to worship as they like. If Mr. Gill ever assumes any leadership, I believe that he would force people to accept his brand of religion.
In saying that, I do not believe that other democrats think that one of their fellow democrat’s religious believes would hold them back in our party. I would not accept this as the truth about the Democratic Party. In fact, while elected as First Vice Chair, most members of the executive committee respected my contributions to the party. For two years, I never heard the word, “Muslim.” This speaks very well for the professionalism in our party and the people that worked with me. In some situations, I felt not only that I was respected but outright love.
I would like to suggest to the new leaders of the Democratic Party they carefully choose from amongst themselves good people with sound principles, to serve in all official capacity. Mr. Gill writes as if his ideas about the Democratic Party are common among all democrats. Mr. Gill’s ideas are unfounded in the Democratic Party.
Thaddeus about some of these unprofessional issues addressed by Mr. Gill, you and I might do an interview on your blog. Actually, those other issues are wrapped in lies.
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