Thursday, March 31, 2011

President Obama, Libya and the World!

For all those political haters of President Obama; let’s look at who he is today.  He is one of the most exciting and refreshing Presidents in modern times.  He’s a powerful individual and his love for America is unmatched.  His vision has broadened from his days as a Senator but as President his view of the world can only be seen from Office of President.

 Republicans realizes Democrats are lavishing in their victory of taking the Office back and election of the first minority President of U.S.A.  In that, they’re forging ahead what is, seemingly, an unchecked agenda.  Democrats must step up their game, check them wherever they are, and never accept their twisted logic about President Obama.  We can’t allow them to demean millions of Americans and their efforts to elect our first minority President.  Democrats must never forget that our party is the party that gave birth to this idea and has a minority in two of America’s most powerful offices; the Office of President and Secretary of State.  If a woman would ever win the set of power in America; Democrats will be the party that would elect her.

Disillusioned Democrats and misguided Republicans are charging that President Obama has made a major mistake in accepting our responsibility as world super power and leader about the issue of Libya.  How could we stand before the world while taking a position that our might and power is not about saving lives?  America is about democracy and cannot stand by allowing women and children to be killed and murdered by an unchecked army with orders from Libya’s leaders.  

I support the President without any doubt that he is right under his own reasoning, our Nation’s duty as part of the United Nations, and our role in the world.  Republicans are attacking him from every possible angle however, their arguments are always bias.  Of course they would be, they’re on the other side. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Leader of the Free World

Imam Jabir Herbert Muhammed, manager of boxing great, Muhammad Ali

President Barack Obama

Every man must stand on his legs.  That’s a true statement but, if the President needs me to lift him upon my shoulders let it be.  Two men Imam W.D. Mohammed (deceased) and his brother Herbert Muhammad (deceased) both sons of the late Honorable Elijah Muhammad ask me to support then Senator Barack Obama because he is a good man.  Until this day, they aren’t wrong.  President Obama capsulizes the spirit of the American people in an excellent way.  His defense of the Libyan people is the most honorable contribution to our cause in the world I’ve ever heard and highlights the American people’s values.
Imam W.D. Mohammed, leader of American Muslims

Tea Party’s Search and Destroy Tactics

What’s the Tea Party contribution to Americans way of life?  Is this movement one that brings into our culture new ideas equal to those of parties formed during our great nation?  Or, is it a party bent on divisiveness?
The Tea Party is waging a battle for control of national policies through direct political means.  Their agenda is destabilization to bring stabilization for their causes.  Their process to buck tradition in many ways; our traditional process is to work together, formulate partnership, and debate in a civil way thereby, allowing full participation in the process.  On the other hand, Tea Party members use tactics reminiscing that of war on their own people.  Their practice is like no other in modern times.  Americans haven’t seen such blatant hate for a President and policies that benefit the life of common and everyday poor especially, during time of great economic stress.  Americans are witnessing a movement that has zero compassion for minorities, those with disabilities, working poor, and Americans requesting civility in politics.
Tea Party’s leadership is in a search and destroy mold.  They seek out policies that are easy to attack. Most of these policies are legislated for minorities and poor Americans.  By doing so, they are always in the news and visible.  Then, there are points of debate; return the white man’s history to the class rooms, take away State government workers’ right to unionized, micro-management of the Office of President.  Their attacks on these and other issues appear of soft targets; targets that are easily weaken or destroyed.       
The Republican Party is fertile soil for their campaign against President Obama and causes of Democrats that goes back decades.  Their mission is the kill off ½ of American people’s concerns and dreams, of an ever-changing America, for the best life possible.  The Tea Party has evolved into an organization that uses demagoguery, arm twisting, and frontal assaults like that of third world countries political parties and even worst.  Divisive isn’t nearly the proper idea behind their method and philosophy.  They have created an organization and entity that are bent on destroying some of the fundamental fabrics of America way of life.  Anyway, who are these people?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Love for Black Americans

Black Americans are a very complex people; they have their own way of life, which is much different from those of other ethnic groups.  They don’t think like that of any other Americans and are bounded together by a brutal oppression, that forces them to forge their own way into the future by trial and error but, they’re make it there just fine.  Almighty G’d delivered them away from that profound hatred that’s, so relevant, in the hearts and soul of many Americans who are against them.  As they squirm together in humanity’s black stinky mud, like that of worms, they will raise up, as all human beings have before them, towards their own destiny.  Black Americans are a great people in American and the world; they’ll remain so as long as they keep Almighty G’d in their focus, and they will, regardless of what evil people might do against them. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Citizens of Memphis Civil Rights in Court Again?

It’s super clear that the Republican Party is behind Sen. Mark Norris R-Collierville as he continues to push his ugly politics down the throats of Memphis and Shelby County school unification. The citizens of Memphis overwhelmingly voted t...o do away with the two school systems, Memphis City Council voted to do the same, and the Memphis City School Board of Commissioners lead the charge. But, still, the almighty Republican Party and Sen. Mark Norris R-Collierville will not accept that our community be one community. They’re fixed on the idea that a minority group should have its way regardless of the will of the majority. Their attitude is the same as the thugs in the street as far as their disregard for our civil process. How can intelligent people of our community, regardless of the political affiliation, accept this kind of behavior?
In addition, Republicans and Sen. Mark Norris both are close to violating the citizens of Memphis civil rights.
As in civil rights battles, all options are on the table, new ones must be discovered, and nothing is taken for granted.  This battle might very well become the most expensive of any undertaken in our history.  The battle field is the courts and it’s time for civil rights attorneys’ involvement.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

They Stood by and Watched him Die!

While reading the morning newspaper about a 56-year-old man who was murdered while working on his job delivering pizza; the question pops up again, can anything be done, by everyone, to hold back ruthless people as they attempt to ruin more and more lives, including theirs?  Could it be that, the onslaught of homicides in Memphis has caused citizens to become de-sensitized about these deaths and they would like to put some distance between there lives and the crimes?  Or, do many of the citizens of Memphis accept the fact that nothing is possible to be done about this problem and simply give up? Think for a moment, are Memphians the most inactive people in the world as they standby and watch their families and friends murdered by ruthless killers?